Sword Cane + Parrying Scabbard possible?

Pathfinder Society

Horizon Hunters

Hello. So one weapon I was very into thematically, as I was thinking up an investigator that uses a cane with Takedown Expert to be able to do non lethal dmg or lethal based on the criminal, was the Exquisite Sword Cane from Agents of Edge watch.

I checked and saw it wasn't included in the Avid Collector boon list for that AP and I found an old forum post mentioning that the designer felt it was a mistake due to too many traits. Wasn't able to find that post. Regardless I decided to try and pivot as I still like the idea of him using a sword cane. Would it be possible to buy the Parrying Scabbard and say the sheathe of the sword cane is the parrying scabbard for society play?

It reads "Parrying scabbards are available for any sword that can be wielded in one hand." Curious if this could work and allow the sword cane's flavor of concealment to still work while paying for the parry trait with the Scabbard. I know it would only be useful to parry in this set up and not allow the sheathe to be a club weapon like the exquisite version.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

Would it be possible to buy the Parrying Scabbard and say the sheathe of the sword cane is the parrying scabbard for society play?

Yes, that's exactly the purpose of the parrying scabbard.

Curious if this could work and allow the sword cane's flavor of concealment to still work while paying for the parry trait with the Scabbard.

Probably. I imagine that most society GMs would let it work. Some might argue that the scabbard is obviously reinforced and thus the benefit might not apply.

Technically speaking, you should still receive the +2 to hide the sword, but onlookers might notice that the scabbard is weird, as the scabbard doesn't have any bonus to hide it's true nature.

That being said, I don't think that's ever going to come up. It's exceedingly rare for scenarios to throw you into situations where you need to pretend you don't have weapons, and when they do, do you really want to take the risk even with a +2 to smuggle a weapon through instead of actually arriving unarmed? And if you do want to risk it, you can probably just ditch the scabbard if GM argues that it doesn't work, maybe buy yourself a buckler just in case for that occasion. Also, it's kinda typical for people to walk around with their weapons drawn when they expect danger, in which case neither the concealed trait nor the "can draw scabbard when you draw the weapon" seem that relevant.

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