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Paizo General Discussion

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Honestly I’ve enjoyed my time on the forums so far. I only joined last week but I’ve felt that for the most part it’s a significantly friendlier community than the subreddit or the discord, though maybe that’s just my lack of experience here so far.

I often feel dogpiled on the subreddit and the discord is so active it kind of scares me off since I can’t really get a conversation going unless I have time to do so.

I will admit that the archaic site design is bothersome though. Hopefully they update that soon.

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Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
Ignis Fatuus wrote:
Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
I'd really like to know your definition of 'fun', Ignis Fatuus, because the phrasing implies that it involves giving certain people free rein to be abusive and toxic. I would wager our definitions of 'fun' might be vastly different.
Just enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure.
You say that, but then your other statements imply otherwise.

Thank you for proving my point.

Ignis Fatuus wrote:
You can't. You can only be a "safe person" if you keep quiet and kept your head down; otherwise, you will offend someone somewhere.

Grand Lodge

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How does someone else’s offense prevent you from being a safe person?

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Ignis Fatuus wrote:
Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
Ignis Fatuus wrote:
Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
I'd really like to know your definition of 'fun', Ignis Fatuus, because the phrasing implies that it involves giving certain people free rein to be abusive and toxic. I would wager our definitions of 'fun' might be vastly different.
Just enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure.
You say that, but then your other statements imply otherwise.

Thank you for proving my point.

Ignis Fatuus wrote:
You can't. You can only be a "safe person" if you keep quiet and kept your head down; otherwise, you will offend someone somewhere. Even then, there are people that claim that in action is support and will be offended by someone not caring or actively supporting their cause.

Doubling down is a bold choice and proves my point as well. Facing social repercussions for being a tiresome little edgelord is not some kind of tyrannical control. Maybe interrogate why your idea of pursuing 'light-hearted pleasure' requires the freedom to make other people feel lesser and under threat.

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It seems to me like if a person feels they can't talk without espousing bigotry, or worse, can't have fun unless they're allowed to be a bigot, there's no reason to be sad about the loss. The reality is, for as long as I've known them, no one has been kicked off the forums for accidentally saying something offensive. If we're going to talk about the loss of activity due to the bans, we should also discuss the loss of activity due to the people driven from the forum by how long it took for those bans to come down.

But then, we might not have much longer to do so depending how this topic continues...

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
How does someone else’s offense prevent you from being a safe person?

Because if you offend someone, you are causing a certain amount distress to that person, ergo you are not being safe.

Unless you are of the school of thought of "sticks and stone can break my bones, but words will never hurt me", in which case I agree 100% with you. However, I doubt that would count as "safe" in modern parlance.

Dark Archive

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Honestly I feel this thread is starting to do a pretty good job on showing why there is a downturn (Archaic website aside)

Grand Lodge

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Ignis Fatuus wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
How does someone else’s offense prevent you from being a safe person?

Because if you offend someone, you are causing a certain amount distress to that person, ergo you are not being safe.

Unless you are of the school of thought of "sticks and stone can break my bones, but words will never hurt me", in which case I agree 100% with you. However, I doubt that would count as "safe" in modern parlance.

No, I just think that there are safe ways to react to someone’s offense and if you object that that, that’s a you problem.

Shadow Lodge

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Kevin Mack wrote:
Honestly I feel this thread is starting to do a pretty good job on showing why there is a downturn (Archaic website aside)

Yeah, that’s why we try not to start these kind of conversations.

Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:
But then, we might not have much longer to do so depending how this topic continues...

Honestly, fair. This thread was always a Kuthite worthy endeavor and all of the relevant points were made much earlier. I'm gonna bail and mute it.

The Exchange

Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
unless their attachment to, say, an entire ancestry being inherently evil is revealed to come from a tangle of other less socially acceptable views.

I'm certainly not defending those people. I just don't want to get lumped together with those people just because I share a certain opinion (just from another point of view). And the problem is that, contrary to what you did in your answer to the initial poster, most of the time there's no benefit of doubt given and no clarification asked for.

Paizo Employee President

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As it looks like we've strayed off the general topic, I'm locking down this thread. I did remove a few posts that had generated into attacks or baiting or were quotes from those replies.

I do owe everyone an update on where Paizo is at with the tech upgrades. Stay tuned...and keep being awesome to each other.


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