Vitality Network - very OP?

Mystic Class Discussion

I am not sure I am gamemastering the vitality network for the mystic in my players group correctly.

It seems like it is a endless pool of healing outside of combat. Players get hit by a problem, in couple of rounds they are healed up again.

How is it supposed to be run? Am I missing a game rule?

"Your vitality network regains an amount of Hit Points equal to double your level plus your Wisdom modifier when you use the Refocus action".

So if you empty your pool of HP at the end of combat, a level 1 mystic is only going to gain roughly 6 life to their vitality network from refocusing.

Sovereign Court

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JasperCG wrote:

I am not sure I am gamemastering the vitality network for the mystic in my players group correctly.

It seems like it is a endless pool of healing outside of combat. Players get hit by a problem, in couple of rounds they are healed up again.

How is it supposed to be run? Am I missing a game rule?

The vitality network recharges that fast only during combat.

Out of combat you only refill it a bit each time you refocus, which takes 10 minutes. In combat, you refill a bit every round.


That said, many classes in PF2 can do infinite out of combat healing. So if the players have a lot of time, an isolated trap that doesn't kill them doesn't do that much. Vitality Network isn't that different.

Yeah PF2e allows for near-infinite out of combat healing already. This really doesn't sound any more OP than the Continual Recovery medicine skill feat.

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