Non-humanoid PCs and Saddlebags

Rules Discussion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Can a centaur, awakened horse, giant awakened spider, or other non-humanoid PC benefit from saddlebags as though they were a mount? Why or why not? Please explain your answer.

Mechanically, Saddlebags and Backpacks offer almost the same benefit:

Backpack holds 4 bulk and discounts 2
Saddlebags are 2x holding 3 bulk and discounting 1 (or cumulatively hold 6 discount 2).

So, I'd probably allow the player to choose for his character if he wants his "backpack" to be in the form of saddlebags or traditional backpack.

I wouldn't allow both on the same character any more than I would allow a character to be carrying and benefitting from 2 backpacks.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Would you allow the saddlebags themselves to count as Light bulk on such a character?


Edit: all that though hinges on how much "mount-like" the actual form is, and how much sense saddlebags would make on his form.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Also, would saddlebags made for a Large creature be able to carry (and reduce) more Bulk than that listed? The Bulk Conversion rules and Differently Sized Items rules say that Bulk values for Large gear are doubled.

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To my understanding, that conversion is strictly about how the Larger creature treats items, not about the fundamental bulk of something.

An anvil is not lighter depending on if it's a halfling or a giant looking it, nor does its mass change.

It's just that it's easier for bigger creatures to pick up smaller items.

So, as far as I'm concerned, the bulk of items inside a container doesn't change, although it may be easier for 2 different creatures to carry said container.

It's a separate issue if the container itself is of a different size category, and that's something that you would have to talk with your GM.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah, but if it's Large saddlebags...

The size of the creature doesn't matter insomuch as the item's size (or rather, the size of the creature that it was made to accommodate).

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Ravingdork wrote:

Yeah, but if it's Large saddlebags...

The size of the creature doesn't matter insomuch as the item's size (or rather, the size of the creature that it was made to accommodate).

That's why I said that its more of something to talk with the GM, because my own opinion is that an item originally designed for mounts like horses who are Large, already is taking into account the size.

Narratively speaking, a single saddlebag for a horse is indeed a bit smaller than a regular backpack, which does compare nicely with the given values of 3 Vs 4 bulk.

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Ravingdork wrote:
Also, would saddlebags made for a Large creature be able to carry (and reduce) more Bulk than that listed? The Bulk Conversion rules and Differently Sized Items rules say that Bulk values for Large gear are doubled.
Ravingdork wrote:

Yeah, but if it's Large saddlebags...

The size of the creature doesn't matter insomuch as the item's size (or rather, the size of the creature that it was made to accommodate).

You've already asked this question in another thread about backpacks for large PCs and were answered there. Did you forget or are you fishing for a different answer? The theoretical increase in carrying capacity of a backpack, or in this case a saddlebag, sized for a large creature comes from the items being packed in the bag counting for less bulk. So no, a backpack or saddlebags worn by a large creature don't have a larger capacity than their S/M sized counterparts, but in practice they will be able to pack more regular sized items into them

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Baarogue wrote:
You've already asked this question in another thread about backpacks for large PCs and were answered there. Did you forget or are you fishing for a different answer? The theoretical increase in carrying capacity of a backpack, or in this case a saddlebag, sized for a large creature comes from the items being packed in the bag counting for less bulk. So no, a backpack or saddlebags worn by a large creature don't have a larger capacity than their S/M sized counterparts, but in practice they will be able to pack more regular sized items into them

Was that a while ago? My memory has never been great and it's not unusual for me to ask the same or similar question, though when it happens, it's usually years apart.

Many of my forum questions are idle thoughts that occur to me "in the moment." Since my environment and personality rarely change, and my participation in this community is so prolific, it's rather unsurprising that sometimes I have a given thought process more than once (after forgetting that I may have had it before).

I assure you it is almost never about fishing for a different answer, and is usually just because written records tend to keep better notes than my brain does.

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Fair enough. It was this summer and the thread devolved into jokes so maybe you missed the serious answer

Can a Large backpack carry more?

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And please don't take my cynicism personally. I'm just especially suspicious of anyone who appears to think a lot like I do. They can't be up to any good :3

My thought is that if saddlebags are mechanically different enough from a backpack that it becomes important which one is allowed for a PC, that a mount-like ancestry being used as a PC should use the backpack rules and re-skin them as saddlebags.

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