That Taldan AP!

Game Master bigrig107

Taldan AP! Save Taldor! Wow!

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Sovereign Court

Starting the gameplay thread here. Sorry, thought I had.

F NG human mesmerist 7 | HP 36/66 | AC21* T12* FF21* | CMB+8 CMD19 | F+7 R+7 W+11** (+2 vs illusions, includes Towering Ego) | Init+4 Per+11 SM+11 | hero 2 tricks 4/6 YR 1/1 | spells 1st-3/5 2nd-3/4 3rd-1/2 | effects/conditions bless 7m, bull's strength 3m, displacement 4r, haste 4r, message 70m


AC 15/T12/FF13 HP 10/10 F+1 R+4 W+2 Init +2 SM +5 /Perception +4
Human Investigator/Psychic 1

Nodding around behind her fan

Sovereign Court

The day has finally arrived. The Grand Day of Exaltation, one of the most important events that go on in the grand city of Oppara, capital of the empire of Taldor.

However you managed to attract Lady Martella Lotheeds' attention, you now stand in the capital, all of you with a specific individual mission that will deal with certain high class elements at the Exaltation. But more on that later.

Before heading out to the event, Lady Martella has made sure to provide each of you with a small line of credit at her favorite tailor shop, Thread Rare. It is just enough to cover a new courtier's outfit, or you can upgrade it to a fresh noble's outfit with an extra 45 gold pieces.

Regardless of which you choose, Martella has provided you with explicit instructions to join up in front of the senate building an hour before the event starts, in order to meet up with the other members of your party. Before that, you have the entire morning to prepare yourself for the meeting.

Try not to read missions that aren't your own, but I won't know if you do. Just don't use the knowledge you gain.

Countess Cassiopeia:
Dear Lovely Cassiopeia,

Your attitude inspires many of us here in the higher echelons of Taldan society. We need more of that nowadays, and it's in that capacity that I am offering you a very lavish opportunity.

You are hereby cordially invited to the Grand Day of Exaltation, and you'll find your paper invitation inside of this letter.

The real reason I wrote this to you, however, is more slightly more unsightly. I need your help. Or rather, I trust you to be able to perform a specific task. I am sure you are familiar with Princess Eutropia and her attempt to undo the archaic laws that are holding this grand nation back.

I am most confidant that she has the votes necessary to accomplish her goal, but I do hate loose ends. What I need you to do is uncovering the true dedication of two senators: Duke Centimus and Countess Abrielle Pace. It is unknown which way they will vote, and I need you to find out what position they hold, and why.

In exchange for completing this task, I will procure 150 gold pieces for you the following day, and of course you must account for the wonderful opportunity to attend such an event in the first place.

Respectfully yours,
Lady Lotheed

Dear Elusive Gilfroy,

Your work as both a wonderful painter and also a discreet illusionist is incredibly valuable to me, as you already know.

And it is under such circumstances that I'd like to provide you your most lucrative opportunity to date.
You are hereby cordially invited to the Grand Day of Exaltation, and you'll find your paper invitation inside of this letter.

But as with all things that go on in the grand capital of Taldor, I have secondary goals with this invitation. I need someone to keep tabs on political rivals and update her if they change their tactics, most notably High Strategos Maxillar Pythareus. This agent must stay close to the military commander, watching for unusual behavior or listening for snippets of conversation, and warn me if he takes any unusual actions, all while remaining unobtrusive.

I am more than sure you are easily capable of completing this task, as you have all the other ones before this, and will be providing the typical 150 gold piece rate, as well as the glorious opportunity to attend such a prestigious event.

Respectfully yours as always,
Lady Lotheed

Henrika Karthis:
Dear Delightful Henrika,

Your unique talents and incredible upbringing has brought you to my attention, and I'm reaching out to extend an incredible opportunity. I am quite sure that you will be quite interested in attending, and perhaps doing a bit of work for me.
You are hereby cordially invited to the Grand Day of Exaltation, and you'll find your paper invitation inside of this letter.

What I need you to do is good for someone with your specific talents. To further undermine the influence of the recently disgraced Earl Calhadion Vernisant, I would like to see some of the historical artifacts that the earl donated to the senate vanish from the Arcade of Triumphs before it is unveiled prior to the evening’s vote. You are free to keep the item; I wish only for its disappearance to further embarrass Earl Vernisant and his allies. The artifacts likely aren’t secured; the senate assumes anyone sophisticated enough to attended this crowded gala would never dream of stealing anything on public display. Just a handful of items from the Arcade.

In exchange for completing this task, I shall provide 150 gold pieces and obviously the event itself is worthy of your time.

Respectfully yours,
Lady Lotheed

Dear Loyal Krios,

You have made splashes in your recent years of arrival in Oppara, growing your support base with every move. I'd like to extend a generous offer to help you achieve this goal even more.

You are hereby cordially invited to the Grand Day of Exaltation, and you'll find your paper invitation inside of this letter.

But beyond just attending, I need you to perform a service for me as well. I would like to exact some retribution against her more annoying half-brothers, who have contributed a large bottle of rare, 150-year-old red wine from family holdings in the Opparos province, now held in the senate’s kitchens. I will provide a single syringe filled with a putrefying agent to render the wine embarrassingly undrinkable but I must warn you not to steal the bottle and to conceal any signs of tampering; it must be drunk at dinner and appear to be of terrible quality or—even more scandalously—a forgery.

This task should be relatively easy, and should you accomplish it, I shall reward you with 150 gold pieces. And of course the wondewrful opportunity to attend the event in the first place.

Respectfully yours,
Lady Lotheed

Dear Mystifying Raven,

Your moves to make your way closer to Princess Eutropia hava not gone unnoticed, and as an ally of the Princess, I would love to extend you a wonderful opportunity.

You are hereby cordially invited to the Grand Day of Exaltation, and you'll find your paper invitation inside of this letter.

Of course, with everything else that happens in the capital, I expect you understand I have other specific goals in inviting you to the event today.
I need you to do some politicking for me. I would like you to make a strong impression on Baron Nicolaus Okerra and remind him of certain debts he owes me. While Baron Nicolaus Okerra isn’t a senator, his war record and general popularity make him an influential figure—one whose reputation helped sway a number of otherwise neutral votes.

This task should not be too hard to accomplish, and I believe you to be more than capable of doing so. Should you, I shall provide you with 150 gold pieces, and of course the invitation itself is plenty a reward to begin with.

Respectfully yours,
Lady Lotheed

Dear Heavenly Perditas,

Your otherworldly heritage attracted my attention from the moment I discovered you, and I would like to offer you a chance to earn back a bit of the damage that disgrace your family suffered.

You are hereby cordially invited to the Grand Day of Exaltation, and you'll find your paper invitation inside of this letter.

And of course, like everything that goes on in the capital, I have other reasons for inviting you, and a mission for you.

I need you to discredit a few prominent senators backing primogeniture—not necessarily to sway their votes, but to undercut their influence after the vote. You can identify them quite easily, and I am sure you will find a way to do the job just as easily.

If you manage to complete the tasks successfully, I will provide you with 150 gold pieces, and of course the opportunity to introduce yourself to the scene as well.

Respectfully yours,
Lady Lotheed

LG Aasimar Investigator-1 // Wizard-1 HP: 8/0 .... AC: 12 .... Fort: +0 Ref: +4 Will: +3 Init: +2 .... CMD: 10 Perception: -1 Darkvision

Visiting Thread Bare *one day before The Grand Day of Exaltation in order to accessorize and embellish her noble's gown seemed a trifle late -- as though one should expect all the cute accouterments to be Long gone. It's like trying to order sparkling wine for your dinner party the day of Princess Eutropia's birthday. Late!

But Perdita Vernisant never really cared about that kind of affectation stuff anyway. 'I am clever enough to get away with it if anyone brings it up!' ....It's not as though she had expected to get this invitation from Lady Lotheed.

"Greetings, Madame," she quietly introduces herself to Thread Bare's proprietor. A bluff would have to do. "Grandmother confiscated all my jewelry last night when she discovered how naughty I've been. The day before Exaltation! ....Anyway Darling," I can't believe we are expected to talk like this. "I just Have to have some cute little earrings or a bracelet to go with my outfit. Please, please, please, tell me you have something that matches this gown and this gold amulet." And now for the hard part. "I bade my dear friend Lady Lotheed to vouch for some gold in jewelry -- so Grandmother won't find out -- Ooh, that citrine choker is veritably charming. Thirty-five gold plus ten in a tip?"

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

Gilfroy (known in this incarnation of himself simply as Fezziwig or Fezzi) spends the morning before the gala working on a flattering charcoal sketch of the target of his assignment, though without any detail on his clothing. He spends quite a bit of time on it, then carefully tucks it in among his artist gear. He also readies his collapsible stool and easel and purchases himself a good-quality sketch pad.

Then he heads out to Thread Bare to find himself an outfit that will be suitably eccentric in true Fezzi style. Of course, it will naturally clash with his signature scarf: seven segments and in a Varisian style. It’s difficult to find gnome-sized courtier’s clothes, but a quick trip over to the children’s section of the shop nets him a fine silk white shirt with ruffles at sleeve and collar, an black coat also of silk, and of course, a velvet waistcoat of purple and orange. Why any self-respecting lordling would ever wear such a thing is beyond imagining (and given the dust on the shoulders, it’s been passed over many times) but for Fezzi it’s perfect. Some black hose and black leather shoes with four-inch toes completes the ensemble.

As he turns himself in one of the store’s silvered-glass mirrors, he spots Perdita chattering away with the proprietress. It’s unlikely the Saranrite would recognize timid little Gil in the brash gnome but he decides not to chance it and avoids direct conversation.

Conditions: None | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +2 |
Spells Per Day:
1st 2/2

The Night Before...

Smoked filled the air in a rundown tavern within Westport and the crowd was as raucous as usual. Rather than the usual patrons of sailors, dockers, and the merchants that plied their trade here, the creaky tavern was full of arguments. Loud voices valiantly tried to make their voice across a handful of tables, crowded with would-be philosophers. Political discourse was argued here without restraint, a monthly ritual that brought in a different crowd at the dock. These debates were argued amidst the linering smell of stale ale, piss, and the lingering musk of the docks outside and upon crooked chairs that rocked whenever one would move.

Sitting there amidst this wave of conversation was Krios, the elf standing out the crowd that was assembled. He finished his mug of ale, giving a bored look as he analyzed those around him. There were plenty of recruits here, those who would share the same desire he had been feeling himself; a desire for change. His ears picked through the conversations, listening to those he was interested in before focusing in on a different one. These meetings were the lifeblood of his netword of contacts. Yet even he was too engrossed when the barman was almost shouting his name.

"'Ey, Elf! You have a visitor outside!" Krious ears almost seemed to twitch as he focused in back on the present. Turning his head to the right, looking at the man with his good eye before nodding. "A visitor, you say?" The elf's voice was soft and melodic, as tranquil as a gently flowing river. The bartender nodding, gesturing the backdoor behind him. The elf paid his few copper to the man before stepping outside into the moist, cool, night air. A young human boy was waiting for him with white blond hair and pale features. Krios's tension eased subtly, his focused face dissolving into a warm, polite smile.

"Ah! It is good to see you Gil. I am surprised you found me so late." Pleasantries were exchanged before the child handed him a sealed envelope, stating who it was from. With a grateful nod, Krios tipped the messenger boy with two pieces of silver before returning back inside the tavern.

The shadows of the divebar was perfect for him to open up the message up and look over the contents. A tiny, wry smile appeared on his lips as he finished his reading, folding the envelope back up before he tucked it into his cloak. Without another word, he would set off from the tavern and back to the small inn that he was currently renting a room from. There was work to be done, he had his chance at last.

That morning...

Krios made his trip over to Thread Bare as sooned as it opened, eager to have his outfit prepared in time for the grand event. Dressed in the latest fashion while making sure to keep from stepping into the realm of too noticeable. Krios choose dark, muted blues with rusty golds for his outfit, dressed well enough to fit in while not trying to outdo the proper nobility. The longcoat was colored the muted blue, accented at the cuffs with a rust gold that matched the vest beneath. With a black dress-shirt and trousers, he looked well enough the part to fit in with the elite.

"You're an elf, Krios. That is pretty enough." He thought to himself with a small chuckle that earned a look from the tailor before passing it off. At least some of Taldor's faults could be used for his gain. After his measurements were taken, he left to go and do research about the event. There were certain things to keep in mind; what was considered proper etiquette. Were you allowed to carry weapons with you? Was being armored frowned upon? Was there a check for small, hidden things? These were things to know for certain.

I'll make a Kn: Nobility roll for this and see what I know. I'm expecting it to not be too hard. We'll assume that Krios will try to bring in whatever he can get away with and try to hide his extracts if he needs to. Also @Gil - if you want to add 2sp, I'll totally deduct it from my own :D
Kn: Nobility & Free Inspiration: 1d20 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (15) + (3) + 8 = 26

That evening...

Krios arrived ten minutes before the appointed meeting time, dressed for the evening. His dark eye searched the guests that were on the way to the main event, looking for the illustrious Lady Lotheed. Everything had to go perfect tonight; it was his moment to prove his usefulness to Martella as well as make the connections needed to rise further. "Don't get so ahead of yourself, Krios. Observe, calculate, and absorb. Take it all one step at a time, our comrades will not fail us." Looking down the staircase, his eye catching sight of some familiar faces drawing closer.

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

”I should have come here first thing,” Fezzi mutters to himself as Krios makes his way into Thread Bare.

Still, with both of them in the shop, it seemed likely now that the envelopes he delivered the day before for Lady Martella must strongly resemble his own. Better to test out his disguise now with few eyes to see if Krios and Perdita give him away.

”I’m glad to see I’m not the only poor sod waiting until the last moment to outfit myself for the festivities!” he declares suddenly and jovially from between the two other agents. ”My dear, those yellow stones will certainly set off your celestial locks.”

Oh I’m definitely adding the sp! :P

Conditions: None | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +2 |
Spells Per Day:
1st 2/2

At Thread Bare...

Krios was having his legs measured when the gnome spoke up and disturbed him from his train of thought. He looked over for a second, his eyes focusing on the short man beside him. There was something strangely familiar about him but he could not place him exactly yet. The thought was perished as he observed the woman trying on the necklace. With his eye upon her, it was certain that she carried a celestial blessing within her heritage.

"I concur with the gentleman here, it truly fits you." He said in a that signature calmness. Despite being raised by the Atticus noble line, it was clear that some Elven habits could not entirely be erased. His attention turned towards the gnome beside him, giving a nod. "A late invitation, I was poorly prepared for such an event. Fortunately, this tailor truly works magic." The tailor gave him a small, encouraging smile before returning back to work. "If I may be so forward so, who do I have the pleasure of speaking to? Your outfit is positively exuberant, I appreciate such boldness." It seemed that Gilfroy's disguise was holding up for now.

I think it'll be more fun to find out in character than making a roll. That and Gilfroy is absurdly good at disguising himself.

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

”I am Fezziwig. Perhaps you’ve heard of me or have seen my paintings? I feared I would have to set my easel up on the street outside, but a lady of means was particularly appreciative of a minor work I did of her prized Pomeranians — canines not being my usual subject matter you understand — and secured me an invitation to the big show indoors. Quite a treat for a beardless runt like myself.”

Given his take 8 score wound be a 17, Krios would have an even chance of spotting the similarities, but I appreciate the play-along.

Conditions: None | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +2 |
Spells Per Day:
1st 2/2

Krios laughed at the gnome's self-deprecation; it was a common trait for individuals like the two of them. He had the virtue of being an elf to make him more "respectable" in the eyes of Taldan traditionalists. Others were far less fortunate.

Kn:Local: 1d20 + 11 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 11 + (2) = 20

"Fezziwig...Fezziwig...did you have a few paintings at Cordvana's Place, the little bohemian place that closed because of a case of plague spreading to its neighborhood from the Narrows?" It was a shame about that place, it would've made quite the fertile ground for loyalists. "I feel you on the lack of hair, my friend." Krios joked, running his hand over his scarred, hairless chin. "It is a pleasure to meet you, I am Krios Dinrulsis. I hope your venture is a success tonight."

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

”Cordvana’s? Ah, no. Not my usual scene. And success or fail with tonight’s venture, it will assuredly be interesting.”

F NG human mesmerist 7 | HP 36/66 | AC21* T12* FF21* | CMB+8 CMD19 | F+7 R+7 W+11** (+2 vs illusions, includes Towering Ego) | Init+4 Per+11 SM+11 | hero 2 tricks 4/6 YR 1/1 | spells 1st-3/5 2nd-3/4 3rd-1/2 | effects/conditions bless 7m, bull's strength 3m, displacement 4r, haste 4r, message 70m

Henrika held the letter from Lady Lotheed up to her lips, covering her slight smile. This is going to be even more fun than I thought, she thought to herself. That very day she slipped her handlers and snuck down to the Lion's Head, and confided everything to her friends. She made sure that all of them knew the full extent of her mission, especially Barntólf-- they affectionately called the sneak-thief Barntólf The Fourth for reasons that had been forgotten over time. He promised, with some goading from Falchion Jack and quite a lot of teasing from Young Blunderbuss, that he would carry out her instructions.

When the day arrived, Henrika hid one of her mother's elegant dresses in her satchel and wandered out of the gates of her estate in her buffed and scratched leather armor with her sword at her hip. She challenged the guards as she often did, to give the impression she was bored and spoiling for a fight, and when she left she was certain they would think she was going back to the Lion's Head, as she often did, and so they would have no desire to follow her.

Instead she made her way to the tailor, Thread Rare. She was momentarily aghast at the opulence and finery, and almost got into an altercation with the clerk who had begun to insist that she leave before she thought to mention Lady Lotheed's name and her own. Despite how harried the bustling tradesfolk seemed, they immediately gave her more attention than she truly desired. Her mother's serviceable courtier's gown was refitted and augmented over the course of several hours, custom made to look the height of fashion even when worn over her lamellar.

When she finally leaves the shop and begins to make her way to the meeting, she feels as if she has been transformed. Why, I doubt even my uncle will recognize me, should he spot me through the throng. Won't he be surprised? She rested her left wrist casually on the pommel of her blade, walking straight with an easy stride. She looked like a noblewoman who is fierce, strong, confident, and above all proud. She looked like a Karthis.

AC 15/T12/FF13 HP 10/10 F+1 R+4 W+2 Init +2 SM +5 /Perception +4
Human Investigator/Psychic 1

Thinking about her assignment Cassi took her deck and started to shuffle.
Using it as a focus she entered the library of her mind and walked through it towards the nobles section.


Knowledge Nobility for Lady Martella Lotheeds: 1d20 + 1d6 + 12 ⇒ (14) + (2) + 12 = 28
Knowledge Nobility for the Duke: 1d20 + 1d6 + 12 ⇒ (11) + (3) + 12 = 26 What were his allies, what were his vices, what were his views? How old was he. What about his family
Knowledge Nobility for the Countess: 1d20 + 1d6 + 12 ⇒ (17) + (3) + 12 = 32What were her allies, what were her vices, what were her views? How old was she. What about her family.

This took the better part of an hour and then it was time to get some gossip. Carefully choosing the right person she picked up a quill and paper and wrote a request for a lunch with her aunt, Duchess Candra Zespire. While old she always had her ear on the pulse of the city and she liked to gossip.
Asking for the carriage she quickly rode to the Thread rare it was time to use the line of credit for something spectacular. To ad a shawl of finest tien silk or add a bit of embroidery.
Listening to the latest gossip
DiploGather Information: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Looking at the sun, she made her way to her aunt, just stopping at Beautiful Baisiers, to buy the lovely bacclava her aunt so loved.
The old lady was already waiting for her, knowing full well that Cassi wanted something from her.
After some banter here and there and explaining why she still wasn´t married she started to play a game of cards with her aunt and listened to her knowledge of her two targets.

DiploGather InformationDuke: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
DiploGather InformationCountess: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
DiploGather Information Martella Lotheeds: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

Human Female CG Human Investigator (Toxin Codexer) 1 // Veneficus Witch 1| HP: 9/9 | AC: 12 (12 Tch, 10 Fl) | CMB: -2, CMD: 10 | F: +1, R: +4, W: +2 | Init: +6 | Perc: +6 , SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Raven sits at her breakfast table, elegantly slipping open the envelope with a silver letter opener and unfolding the note addressed to her. Truthfully, she was a little flattered that she had been entrusted with a mission and was determined not to fail it.

On the other hand, she was a little put out that her maneuvering closer to the Princess had been spotted so obviously. It wasn't as if Raven had tried to hide her interest in the Princess's political aspirations, so she wasn't too upset, but she wondered that if it was obvious to Lady Lotheed it might be obvious to others.

Raven was however, quietly thrilled with the line of credit available at Thread Rare. Appearance was everything and if she could look her best, then so much for the better. Clutching her favorite bag, potions and poisons disguised inside, Raven heads out in the streets, cursing her heels as she navigates the cobblestones.

Tempted though she was to immediately head over to the tailor for a bit of pampering before the evening, Raven was firmly fixated into going into her mission with every possible advantage. She doesn't have many political contacts yet, but Baron Nicolaus Okerra was still very well known in certain circles, and Raven attempts to gather as much information on the man as she can before the party.

Knowledge Nobility Baron Nicolaus Okerra: 1d20 + 9 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 9 + (2) = 17
Knowledge Local Baron Nicolaus Okerra: 1d20 + 9 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 9 + (5) = 16

Encouraged with the small amount of information she was able to gather, as well as the tiny amount of headway she had towards her given mission, Raven heads toward Thread Rare, clad in a figure hugging midnight blue dress. Raven hoped that the tailor would be able to alter the original dress so that it mimicked what a noble might wear, complete with jewelry accessories so that she could impress whoever she needed to influence - or at least not look out of place.

The bell chimes as Raven steps through the threshold to Thread Rare, but Raven't good mood fades at the sight of the significant queue of people in the shop, waiting to try on garments or to purchase something for the evening. In hindsight, Raven reflects that it was logical she wouldn't be the only person making late preparations for the night, but she was still irritated at the delay - patience didn't always come naturally to her after all. Craning her neck slightly, Raven sees a few vaguely familiar faces up ahead deep in conversation. She considers shouting out in greeting, but decided that could be considered rude, so she tries to find some inner peace so as to not throttle the elderly lady ahead of her in the queue, dithering over what shade of red she wanted for her scarf.

Whats the story with poison GM? Is it something that Raven could disguise / pass off inside a perfume bottle or other beauty product. Are we allowed to bring extracts / potions / familiars into the senate building?

Knowledge Local on the above: 1d20 + 9 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 9 + (2) = 16

Sovereign Court

Feel free to read these, just avoiding walls of text

The proprietor of Thread Rare, or at least the shopkeeper of the day, is a younger woman, obviously not of age yet but nonetheless quite excited to be working here among the nobility.

She eagerly nods when Perditos speaks, replying in perhaps a tad bit too rushed of a manner.
"Fear not, madam, for Lady Lotheed has sent word you were coming. Forty five for the necklace is quite agreeable, and I will be sure not to let anyone know you got it from here."

Taking the piece out and offering to help the lady put it around her neck, the shopkeeps' eyes widen in admiration at the piece.
"Truly a completion part to the whole outfit, my lady. Well chosen."

An attendant is also readily available to help the young Fezziwig find the attire he requires, although Gilfroy's sharp eyes catch her glaring at his outfit choice in some manner of disbelief as what she believes to be a spoiled child picks out clothing befitting such a person.

To his face, however, she is nothing if not kind, encouraging and complimenting the little lord in his choice of both colors and shapes to pull the whole outfit together.

Rules of the Senate:
The rule for the gala the day before the senate vote tomorrow are quite simple:
-Breastplates, ceremonial armor, and light armor may be worn inside the senate building, but no other armor is permitted for anyone except guards.
-Potions, scrolls, spell component pouches, and wands are permitted inside the senate building, and in fact, many senators are themselves spellcasters. However, spellcasting is not permitted within the building without written approval (often issued to entertainers).]
-Only light and one-handed weapons are allowed inside the senate building; ranged weapons and twohanded weapons are not allowed inside the building. All weapons brought into the senate building must be peace-bound—secured in a sheath with a length of decorative cord. Drawing a peace-bound weapon requires a full-round action. Guards do not need to peace-bind their weapons.
-Animals are generally not permitted inside the senate
building, excepting familiars and service animals.
Animals larger than an average member of the senate
guard are not permitted within the building under
any circumstances.

As far as information gained with your checks, this is what you know:
Martella Lotheed: The wealthy Lotheed family has been a strong supporter of the Stavians for almost 100 years. They have a long family tradition of arcane magic, adding to their wealth and prestige. Martella is the black sheep of her family, being a result of an extramarital dalliance with a Qadiran diplomat. She lacks her family’s gift for magic as well, adding to their resentment. Despite her family’s disdain, Martella still commands some wealth and has extensive contacts, having attended the Sinora Academia, Taldor’s most exclusive girls’ school.

Duke Leonard Centimus: An attending duke of Grand Duchess Cisera Tiberan of Tandak prefecture, Leonard Centimus is an intellectual and tinkerer whose head for systems makes him a good administrator, if a little awkward with people. With a round face and a few extra pounds, Leonard looks very different from the waifish ladies’ man he was 5 years ago. He takes great pride in tinkering with his wheelchair, revising its design and paying artisans to embellish it.

Countes Abrielle Pace:A countess and member of the senate from the western borders of Taldor, Abrielle Pace seeks to advance by any means available. Only ridiculously gauche noble clothing and fine jewelry set Countess Pace apart from any other Taldan. Her face is usually in a smile, though it quickly turns to a sneer when she loses control of the conversation. She has short but well-kept brown hair locked back in a stylized bun.

As for local rumors, you do catch a handful of interesting pieces of gossip being spread around town, but the two most important sounding or interesting to you are:

"Ah, I got to see Mr. Smiles at Duke Talbot’s reception this wee —the one where Baronet Jivarus got into a row with the servant—and that jester is delightful. Whimsical and biting all at once, and such grace. A tad off-putting, though."

"High Strategos Pythareus is back in the capital. I guess that means the marriage between him and the princess is back on. He’s so handsome; he’ll make a lovely emperor.”

As far as the Baron goes, you know that A noble and hero in the county of Meratt, Baron Okerra is as equally renowned for his good looks as he is for his combat skills. This handsome bear of a man stands a head taller than the crowd, and while starting to show his age with flecks of white in his black hair and beard, he retains a youthful smile and gentle eyes.

As for hiding poison inside of a potion or perfume vial, it is certainly allowed to bring in potions into the senate, as stated in the rules above. Whether or not you can manage to sneak it past anyone who may be looking is an entirely different problem.

Conditions: None | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +2 |
Spells Per Day:
1st 2/2

At Thread Bare..

"Truly? I swore she had a painting of yours. I must've been distracted then." Krios murmured, trying to remember for the moment. "Perhaps I will have a chance to see your work this evening then, art is one of the keys to the mind, afterall." Before he could continue, the tailor who was working on dressing him was ready to show him the assortment of coats that would fit his frame. "I do apologize but it seems I am needed. Good day to you Fezzwig." He still couldn't shake off the fact that he knew the man from somewhere. Just where though, he could not completely place as he head deeper into the establishment.

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

Fezzi watches Krios head off, resolving to check this place out to see if they actually do have one or more of his paintings on display.

At the steps of the senate building, he watches as the others arrive, nodding familiarly to Krios, politely to Perdita, and smiles nervously at the rest. He occupies his attention with his easel and art supplies to avoid conversation with the other agents, at least in the beginning.

AC 15/T12/FF13 HP 10/10 F+1 R+4 W+2 Init +2 SM +5 /Perception +4
Human Investigator/Psychic 1

Additional Information:

KnowledgeNobility Princess Eutropia: 1d20 + 1d6 + 12 ⇒ (14) + (5) + 12 = 31
Including who is her most important supporter
KnowledgeNobility: 1d20 + 1d6 + 12 ⇒ (20) + (3) + 12 = 35
KnowledgeNobility Grand Prince Stavian: 1d20 + 1d6 + 12 ⇒ (4) + (4) + 12 = 20
Including who is his most important supporter
KnowledgeNobility: 1d20 + 1d6 + 12 ⇒ (4) + (3) + 12 = 19

Human Female CG Human Investigator (Toxin Codexer) 1 // Veneficus Witch 1| HP: 9/9 | AC: 12 (12 Tch, 10 Fl) | CMB: -2, CMD: 10 | F: +1, R: +4, W: +2 | Init: +6 | Perc: +6 , SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Just bringing her scene forward slightly. Excuse the short post

Raven eventually has her alterations done, and while the dress seems to be a bit tighter around the waist than she would like, she considers it passable for a senate party, combined with the borrowed jewelry. Outfit sorted, Raven then briefly returns home to put her face on, before joining the rest of the agents outside the senate building for any preparations.

As for poisons, I'll see what things are looking like. If there are guards doing proper searching, I won't risk it. If I can mix extracts inside the senate building unnoticed (like in a side room or something) I'll do that. If doing either is ill advised or not possible, then I simply won't risk bringing poison extracts inside the building.

LG Aasimar Investigator-1 // Wizard-1 HP: 8/0 .... AC: 12 .... Fort: +0 Ref: +4 Will: +3 Init: +2 .... CMD: 10 Perception: -1 Darkvision

Her noble's gown appropriately adorned with the brilliant citrine choker, Perdita Vernisant buffs and polishes her gold amulet and signet ring to make sure she looks the part of a young debutante and goes to mingle, wondering if her distaste for such pageantry will show on her features.

"Well, at least I look the part even if I feel out of place amongst socialite nepotists and aristocratic dilettantes. I feel like Prufrock.

"At least I have an agenda. At least I have a target. I can play the spy or saboteur, pretending to dance and socialize and remember to everyone that my ancestor fought The Whispering Tyrant." Perdita Vernisant looks around at the patricians, smiling. Rubbing elbows. Dancing. Drinking. "There's something else in everyone's eyes, here. I wonder how many of us are here, like me, with a gambit, a political scheme. Is all of this gossip and guffaw really just innuendo and guile? Or just mine?"

Conditions: None | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +2 |
Spells Per Day:
1st 2/2

A small smirk spread acros Krios's face as he recognized two of the faces approaching. It seemed that the Thread Bare was a favorite location of their patron; he would need to recommend her having multiple places next time if she wished for her agents to be less conspicuous. Regardless though, he would give a nod of his head towards the gnome artist and the beautiful aasimar wearing the shining citrine. His rapier sat at his side, peace-bound as the law commanded. The chain shirt was carefully hidden underneath the dainty suit he wore.

"I suppose none of you have seen our patron, have you?" They were invited tonight thanks to her influence. It would be impolite to not escort her to the celebration properly after all.

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

Fezzi shakes his head. ”She will no doubt be here tonight but probably won’t want any public association with us, in case we get caught carrying out our respective assignments.”

F NG human mesmerist 7 | HP 36/66 | AC21* T12* FF21* | CMB+8 CMD19 | F+7 R+7 W+11** (+2 vs illusions, includes Towering Ego) | Init+4 Per+11 SM+11 | hero 2 tricks 4/6 YR 1/1 | spells 1st-3/5 2nd-3/4 3rd-1/2 | effects/conditions bless 7m, bull's strength 3m, displacement 4r, haste 4r, message 70m

Henrika stands at the appointed place long enough to be sure the others are the same people mentioned in Lady Lotheed's letter. She salutes each in turn, her countenance friendly and open. It is fortunate they cannot see how nervous I am, she thinks. "Greetings, friends," she says in her deep, resonant voice, "for I hope that we will be friends by virtue of our mutual acquaintance." She nods at the introductions.

When Fezzi speaks of their respective assignments, Henrika cocks her head. "I do not recall our hostess instructing me not to speak of the particular task she has asked me to carry out, nor to refrain from discuss the particulars amongst ourselves. In the interests of mutual trust and working together, and for to further our patron's goals, perhaps we could give each other some general idea of what we will be attempting to do at this event?" She had no intention of implicating her friends from the Lion's Head, but surely it could do no harm to let the others know about their target.

AC 15/T12/FF13 HP 10/10 F+1 R+4 W+2 Init +2 SM +5 /Perception +4
Human Investigator/Psychic 1

Arriving at the appointed time, Cassi looks around and sees so many well known faces. Smiling she waits patiently and absentmindly using her fan, while being deep in thoughts.

Conditions: None | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +2 |
Spells Per Day:
1st 2/2

Kn: Nobility (Cassiopeia): 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (10) + 8 + (2) = 20
Kn: Nobility (Henrika): 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 8 + (6) = 34
Kn: Nobility (Perdita): 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (13) + 8 + (5) = 26

Krios looks over the group that seemed to be assembling; looking just out of place enough to be newcomers to the scene like himself. Most of the fresh faces would be beside their patrons, mentors, or benefactors, using their influence to look good while acting as a shield for the dangers of intrigue. Like himself, they looked a little lost but were maintaining the right appearance to not look too out of place.

"It seems that Lady Lotheed's connections were as grand as I thought. What an assorted cast we have assembled for the show tonight." He thought to himself as his eyes scanned his fellow agents. His dark eye, the color of rich and fertile soil, would study them all for just a moment to assess them and he was sure that they would do the same.

His eye first lingered on Countess Cassiopeia, hailing from the noble family of Zespire. He knew of them quite well; their charitable work was sometimes the reason why a family would not starve to death at night. Their kindnesses had allied them with the common folk to some degree though they were still held up by the bureaucracy that hold each noble family in chains and in check. She herself was only known to him a little; some said that she would entertain as a fortune teller. Some even said that her fortunes were true.

A small smile came across his face as he looked at Henrika of House Karthis. A family of staunch imperialists, the woman had become the black sheep of her family and supposedly was unfit to take the reins of her little bit of the aristocracy. A few of his contacts had mentioned that she could be found amidst a surly group at a tavern known as the Lion's Head. A furious temper surrounded her though, almost unnaturally so when her anger was stoked. In her though, he knew he had an ally; she was also sick of the way that Taldor was. This was one that an alliance would surely be fruitful with.

When he looked at Perdita, truly looked at her, he began to analyze her in more detail. Going through the mental catalog of up & comers, of new names and faces, an aasimar came to mind and made his smile fade. She was from that damnable bloodline, the wicked House Vernisant. His immediate anger was kept cool and calm though, smothered as quickly as it stirred. She was not his mother's killer, she did not throw the fire that ruined his eye. It was not her fault. He would watch her carefully though, ensure she was of better character than the others. Henrika's words brought him out of his thoughts, his hand reaching up to run along his chin.

"You do bring up a good point, she never said that we could not conspire together on our...tasks." He said thoughtfully before nodding. "May I suggest we wait before divulging any information? Either of us could be an impostor or a liar. Perhaps once she arrives and confirms us all, we can share. For safety and secrecy's sake." He would offer his hand out to Henrika first, then the others. "I am Krios Dinrulsis. A pleasure."

Sovereign Court

Luckily for the group, Lady Lotheed does eventually show up to the meeting. The appointed meeting place is right outside a small, smoky cafe a few blocks away from the senate building.

"I'm sure you have introduced yourself briefly, but the rest can wait until we get inside. Come, come, let us go inside."

Once inside the cafe, you see that the long, golden beams of the setting sun dance through the cafe’s smoky interior, highlighting breads, cheeses, and wine bottles behind the only counter. Martella sips casually from a steaming mug, dressed in an elegant but reserved gown—at least by Taldan standards. A hand-sized brass cricket buzzes quietly on the tabletop beside her.

“I’m so pleased you could join me this evening,” she begins. “Please order whatever you like; the fig jam is particularly lovely here. And feel free to speak candidly. I’ve taken measures to ensure our privacy.”

"Go on, finish those introductions. I have secured an invite for each of you for a specific reason. I am sure you are quick enough to know why."

Conditions: None | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +2 |
Spells Per Day:
1st 2/2

Before Krious could continue, Lady Lotheed showed up just in time to meet them all. Nodding at her invitation, the tall elf followed her from the senate's steps and into the cafe's dimly lit interior. The smell of cheese, breads, and wine filled the air around them pleasantly. Pulling out the chair for her, he would sit down only after giving the cafe a casual glance to ensure no one was listening.

"Thank you, Lady Lotheed, for the invitation and the chance to prove ourselves as worthwhile allies. The fig jam and bread sounds lovely, a small glass of any elven wine from Kyonin would be appreciated as well." Krios asks, nodding as Lady Lotheed ensured that she had taken the time to make sure that they would be left undisturbed. Looking at the others, he would begin once more.

"As I had said before, I am Krios Dinrulsis. I was a student for the Academy of Open Minds until they had a...change in curriculum. It followed the model of the University of Lepidstadt, though it has not had the chance to get off the ground since the imperialists have put their hands upon it." The elf's voice is calm, almost tranquil, but not even he could hide the displeasure in his voice as his former school's current predicament. "I have since been involved in the political scene, specifically those of the common man."

Looking back towards Lady Lotheed and once she gave another reassuring nod, he would continue. "I know certain...individuals...that are willing to assist me if needed. I know how to convince others to do what I please, I know how to lie, and I am good at puzzles in the variety of mechanisms they come in." He would open his jacket, revealing the two small vials within. "My mother was an alchemist. While I am not as devoted as she was to the craft, I have learned how to take ingredients and mix them with my own, latent magical essence to create wonderous...and sometimes deadly...effects."

"My task is fairly simple. I am to sabotage the good lady's brothers' gift; a very expensive and rare bottle of wine. I must do so without being caught and without the tampering being noticed. I have plans for it but, if we are working together, then we can assist one another. Do you have the syringe, Lady Lotheed?"

Sovereign Court

”Of course I do.”

She procures it, setting the small syringe of fluid on the table for all to see.

”It’s good to see you all are not immediately pushed away from the prospect of working together on tasks. I had a thought for a moment that you may have not worked on them together. How silly of me.”

AC 15/T12/FF13 HP 10/10 F+1 R+4 W+2 Init +2 SM +5 /Perception +4
Human Investigator/Psychic 1

Joining the others Cassi takes down a seat randomly and orders some tea and a platter of fruits.
"Well then I shall introduce myself next. My name is Cassiopeia from the house of Zespire. I have a certain reputation as a mentalist."
Opening the fan for one or two blows she continues.
"My task is to find out how Duke Centimus and Countess Abrielle Pace will cast their vote. And I think it was unspoken, if they are on the undecided, find the key to swing them on our patrons side."

Human Female CG Human Investigator (Toxin Codexer) 1 // Veneficus Witch 1| HP: 9/9 | AC: 12 (12 Tch, 10 Fl) | CMB: -2, CMD: 10 | F: +1, R: +4, W: +2 | Init: +6 | Perc: +6 , SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Raven follows Lady Lotheed inside the cafe, glancing at her fellow members of the group. She knew some of them by reputation, and knew a little more about some others. She nods, and flashes a brief smile of greeting in the direction of Krios recognizing him as someone she had challenged in many debates in the past. As a rather secretive poisoner with a headstrong attitude, Raven would often visit taverns or places of ill repute where people could be a little more free with their own political views. For her part, Raven treated the debates themselves as merely a way to sharpen the mind, and as a way to prepare herself for a possible career in the senate in the future.

As other members sit down at the table, Raven selects a seat where she can see the door. A little melodramatic perhaps but she had to sit somewhere and Raven liked to see who was coming and going from a particular location.

Raven doesn't miss the lightly buzzing cricket on the table. Lady Lotheed was someone well used to political intrigue and she figures that the cricket had some effect to limit divination magic or even some mundane forms of eavesdropping - especially considering the current topic of conversation. She listens quietly to Krios introduce herself. Some of it was rather new to her and she allows herself a wry smile of amusement at the name of the Academy. The Academy of Open Minds, how ironic that some views were still not welcome she reflects to herself before briefly leaning forward to speak after a gap in the conversation.

"My name is Raven, Raven Nightshade. Some of you might have heard of me, some of you might not. I don't tend to seek out the spotlight and I'm usually a bit more self reliant because of that - I don't have many individuals to do me favors" she begins, giving a brief nod of acknowledgement to Krios.

"I'm currently trying to integrate myself into politics, although that has been exceedingly difficult for someone from minor nobility to succeed there. My boss apparently thinks that all I'm qualified for to fix someone's tea. So perhaps that's why I have been following the Princess so closely, hopefully it brings the change Taldor needs and with it, new opportunities."

"As for abilities, its hard to explain. I have access to some basic arcane magic, but I didn't get it from study or reading books - it just comes naturally. I don't tend to spread that information around though - I don't believe witches are well liked or trusted. Aside from that, I have similar expertise in alchemy as perhaps Krios might - although I tend to focus more on the creation of more lethal concoctions."

"For my mission", she continues "I'm tasked with making a strong impression on Baron Nicolaus Okerra, and perhaps reminding him of the debts he owes the princess. I'll be completely honest in that I haven't the faintest idea how to achieve it yet, but I'm confident that an opportunity will prevent itself. Still, I'm happy for any assistance offered, and also happy to assist anyone else with their own mission - I'm aware that my own task probably shouldn't take too long to complete."

Pausing for breath, Raven hesitates for a moment before addressing Lady Lotheed directly. "May I inquire as to the purpose or function of gadget buzzing on the table? I'm wondering if it could potentially be of use during some of our tasks. Is it a unique item?"

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

”I am Fezziwig...perhaps you’ve heard of me? My assignment is to discern the intentions of one High Strategos Maxillar Pythareus,” his eyes subconsciously flicker towards Perdita before he can get control of himself. ”My intention is to use my art to come up with an excuse to remain close to him all evening without appearing to be anything more than a simple artist crafting a stunning portrait. There is a moment during my plan when I could use some assistance, to create a small distraction, if one of you could spare the time.”

”Outside of this one mission, I use my reputation as an artist to earn myself invitations into the homes of the rich and powerful, who tend to forget themselves after they’ve been sitting an hour for a portrait and say things they don’t mean to say. I am also skilled at deception and illusion magic, plus Lady Shelyn has seen fit to approve of my art enough to grant me small divine abilities and healing magic.”

Conditions: None | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +2 |
Spells Per Day:
1st 2/2

Krios listens to each one of them speak in turn, nodding quietly as they speak of both their mission as well as their task. As they do, he takes the small syringe off of the table and carefully slips it within his coat. The first to go after him was Cassiopeia, who kept her cards close to her chest it seems. The little information she gave seemed to favor what he knew of her though and he was more than willing to see how it would all come out as they took to their tasks.

The next was Raven, a woman that he had the pleasure of speaking to more than once in the dimly lit lightings of seedy taverns, rundown basements, and ratty bohemian hideaways. Their debates were cutting and sometimes almost to the point of yelling but when it came to the politics of Taldor, it was clear that they were aligned in mind. "It seems that the good Lady has acquired more loyalists to her side. She must be making a play for the Princess this evening." Krios thought to himself, returning Raven's nod with a small smile. The revelations that she gave though were quite interesting, earning a raised eyebrow from the elf. A witch and a poisoner, it seemed, was in their company. She was a most useful one and he was beginning to admire Lady Lotheed's ability to find people of interest.

Fezziwig was next to speak up, explaining his plan to stay close close to Maxillar Pythareus. It was a daring task to discern the man's motives without having your own be discovered so when he asked for possible help, Krios would nod in assent that he would if he was able to. Skilled in both deception, illusions, and divine magic, the gnome had an arsenal of talent in the wings. "Quite robust for the humble painter, I must say." Krios said with a wider smile just before Raven asked about the strange contraption upon the table.

F NG human mesmerist 7 | HP 36/66 | AC21* T12* FF21* | CMB+8 CMD19 | F+7 R+7 W+11** (+2 vs illusions, includes Towering Ego) | Init+4 Per+11 SM+11 | hero 2 tricks 4/6 YR 1/1 | spells 1st-3/5 2nd-3/4 3rd-1/2 | effects/conditions bless 7m, bull's strength 3m, displacement 4r, haste 4r, message 70m

Henrika seems in no great hurry to be first to introduce herself, acting as if everything about her identity is of no great consequence. She lolls in a cushioned chair at the restaurant, attacking everything including the toasted bread concoction covered with (probably too much) fig jam with gusto. She watches the others as they speak, staring at them through slightly-squinted eyes, as if assessing how trustworthy each of them truly is.

She raises an eyebrow at the mention of Lady Shelyn but says nothing.

"I am Henrika Karthis," she launches without preamble when it is her turn. "My father was Henri Karthis, the distinguished military advisor, who died some years ago... in a, well, a hunting accident." Her brief distasteful expression of undisguised hatred looks like she followed the jam with a shot of vinegar. "My uncle Thomás has taken over his estates and provides for me and my mother. Despite his disapproval with my training, I believe my arm and my valor are tolerably long, and if the fact that they are somewhat untested gives any of you pause, I ask only that you try me." Her left hand goes unconsciously to the pommel of her plain-looking longsword, which she seems to have forgotten is peacebound in anticipation of the event.

"Oh," she says with a shake of her head, returning a strand of her long hair back behind her ears. "Lady Lotheed has asked me to undermine the influence of the recently disgraced Earl Calhadion Vernisant by causing some of the historical artifacts that the earl donated to the senate to vanish from the Arcade of Triumphs before it is unveiled prior to the evening’s vote." She sniffs a bit disdainfully. "I imagine that they will be displaced, but not stolen. Perhaps they will be found after the celebration in another part of the senate building."

Sovereign Court

Lady Lotheed listens politely to each of you in turn, and you get the slight feeling that none of this is new information to you.

When Raven mentions the cricket, she picks it up in her hands and looks down upon it with a sense of pride.

"Oh, this? This is one of my many mechanical experiments. It muffles the sound of conversation from beyond a smaller circle, without bothering the members of that conversation."

She flips it over several times, and reveals that it is made of gears and metal.

"I am quite proud of it, as you can obviously tell, and they're quite hard to make. It would take some convincing for me to part with even one."

Sovereign Court

"Speaking of mechanical devices, I have a handful of ones specifically for you."

She pulls out a set of six small badges that seem to have a royal crests on them.

"These are senate aide badges. Originally designed many years ago, these once belonged to the staff of the long-dead Senator Voritas. They allow the wearer of the main senate badge, me, to communicate with the bearers of the smaller ones at great ranges, as well as receiving messages back from those people."

"The Taldan senate usually loans out these badges to newcomers in the senate, to easily identify them from the staff of actual Senators, so they won't look suspicious at all."

Human Female CG Human Investigator (Toxin Codexer) 1 // Veneficus Witch 1| HP: 9/9 | AC: 12 (12 Tch, 10 Fl) | CMB: -2, CMD: 10 | F: +1, R: +4, W: +2 | Init: +6 | Perc: +6 , SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Raven reaches out and takes her badge in her hand, inspecting it for a moment before turning it over in her hands, reflecting for a moment. She indicates the cricket once again.

"At the end of the day, its your invention, and I'm not asking to keep it. I was just wondering if such an item might be useful during our missions tonight. As we have several to complete, and are most likely going to work together, I was just keen to see if we could have any advantage possible. At any rate, I leave the decision up to you if you are willing to temporarily part with such an item - I'm aware of the possibility that it might be of us to you tonight as well - doubtless you have your own objectives to achieve."

Diplomacy(?): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

Fezziwig also takes his comm senate badge and clips it to the left breast of his jacket.

Conditions: None | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +2 |
Spells Per Day:
1st 2/2

Henrika's introduction brings an arched eyebrow to his face but a smile nonetheless; she was as fiesty as the reports had said she was. He looked over her longsword for a few moments there before giving a nod, speaking up after she gave her challenge.

"Perhaps after this task is done. My own weapon is untested in the real heat of combat, merely duels and lectures. If you would indulge me of course, my lady." There was an obvious confidence coming from the elf, a quiet sort of bravado as he motioned for her to continue. With her task made clear, he would give a look to Lady Lotheed for a long moment but said nothing yet. Thievery, sabotage, information gathering, influencing others; it was a crash course in espionage within the circles of the elite. It would be most intriguing to see how each of them would fare and how well they work together.

He would take the small badge, looking it over curiously before following Gilfroy's lead and attaching it to his jacket. He had his own questions to ask of the Lady now that she was with them but there was still one more member who had no divulged their task. His eyes fell expectantly upon Perdita.

Sovereign Court

Ooooh! 18 was exactly what you needed!

Marcella glances down at the cricket in her hand once more before looking back up at Raven, nodding subtly.

”Alright, you’ve convinced me. You can temporarily borrow one of the two I brought with me today.”
She pulls another, albeit deactivated, mechanical cricket out of the folds of her dress, and hands it over to Raven.
”Just wind it here, and you have quite the long time to talk unheard by outsiders. A very useful tool.”

”Overall, tonight promises to be a historic evening, but an evening of work nonetheless. And in the sort of work you’re embarking upon, the line that divides success and failure is drawn by the people you know. You have your own tasks to accomplish, but I’m counting on you to support one another to ensure success and discretion. If you need assistance, kindly ask for it. If your assistance is required, give it. And if I’m to be blunt, I would like just once in my adult life to simply enjoy a gala I attend, rather than scamper about with clandestine busywork. If you all complete your work without need of me to clean anything up, I will happily double my promised fee.”
She sighs, relaxing in the chair for just a slight moment before continuing.

“I trust your activities won’t occupy your entire evening, so by all means, enjoy the party and make friends. This is an excellent opportunity for you to begin your own political ambitions, but do be discreet.“

LG Aasimar Investigator-1 // Wizard-1 HP: 8/0 .... AC: 12 .... Fort: +0 Ref: +4 Will: +3 Init: +2 .... CMD: 10 Perception: -1 Darkvision

Having smoothly tried to get into the Senate building in order to guile her way to some information on the senators Lady Lotheed mentioned in her letter -- only to fail completely at the steps of the building (too much security!), Perdita Vernisant retreats from the attempt and meanders about the early festivities in another fruitless attempt to gather some information.

By the time she makes it to the small cafe, 'nice, smokey atmosphere,' she's obviously late. Lady Lotheed is present with a small gaggle of, 'Hmm, associates it looks like.'

"Please excuse my tardiness."

LG Aasimar Investigator-1 // Wizard-1 HP: 8/0 .... AC: 12 .... Fort: +0 Ref: +4 Will: +3 Init: +2 .... CMD: 10 Perception: -1 Darkvision

After nodding to Lady Lotheed in apology for her lack of punctuality these few minutes, she raises her own eyebrow in the direction of a Senate Aide Badge, and upon receiving a nod, collects hers.

"Don't let me interrupt your conversation. Mind if I join?" Perdita Vernisant holds her letter and invitation in hand, unaware of what everyone is talking about, and, looking at everyone, gives her greetings and salutations.

Not the most perceptive young prodigy, Perdita Vernisant completely misses the subtle glare Krios briefly gives her. She is oblivious to any potential animosity from the Elf.

She notices Henrika first. "Aren't you the niece of Thomas Karthis." Perdita Vernisant reaches a hand in formality to embrace palms for a moment. She smiles and does her absolute best to hide the distaste from her features that may reveal her dislike of Thomas Karthis and his political positions. Now is Not the time to make a bad impression. Not knowing the circumstances of this young lady's father's death, she does not bring up Henri. "You're the one they call 'Dame Hotspur,' yes?"

Countess Cassiopeia Zespire she recognizes immediately, and curtsies in deference to her superior peer, both by title and age. "We've not seen each other since the exam -- two highest scores. I was jealous that your essay was so much better than mine on Opparan Baronial History -- but I suppose you may have not liked the fact that my essay on the ArchDevils of The Nine Hells was so much better than yours. Either way, we're still the best two."

AC 15/T12/FF13 HP 10/10 F+1 R+4 W+2 Init +2 SM +5 /Perception +4
Human Investigator/Psychic 1

With a smile Cassi stands up and hugs her.
"I am so very delighted to see you here, dearest. I was so glad you beat me with your planar essay. I positivly prefer humans to devils. Their vices are so much more nuanced. But you were always the better warder, and I understand your fascination.
Now, please tell me, what is your .... little pet project in this little adventure?"

F NG human mesmerist 7 | HP 36/66 | AC21* T12* FF21* | CMB+8 CMD19 | F+7 R+7 W+11** (+2 vs illusions, includes Towering Ego) | Init+4 Per+11 SM+11 | hero 2 tricks 4/6 YR 1/1 | spells 1st-3/5 2nd-3/4 3rd-1/2 | effects/conditions bless 7m, bull's strength 3m, displacement 4r, haste 4r, message 70m

With a polite nod and a slight smile, Henrika accepts her badge and pins it to her collar.

Henrika watches Perdita coolly through slitted eyes, silent for several seconds. Then she slowly places her feet on the ground and stands, giving a peremptory and only slight bow towards her outstretched hand. "And what is your name?" she asks with an edge of frost. "I cannot say that there is any falsehood in your statements, for indeed Thomás Karthis is my uncle, and I am aware that there are those who refer to me by the alias you mention. However, to be blunt, I mislike your tone. Do you intend to give offense? And if so, can you find yourself a friend who can arrange a time and place for us to settle the matter? If so, I will be entirely at your service." Her gaze across the table is unsettling, as if she has somehow marked Perdita as a potential enemy.

LG Aasimar Investigator-1 // Wizard-1 HP: 8/0 .... AC: 12 .... Fort: +0 Ref: +4 Will: +3 Init: +2 .... CMD: 10 Perception: -1 Darkvision

"Oh, I never intend to give offense, Lady Karthis." Perdita Vernisant hopes the softly spoken gesture is heard for what it is, both a genuine placation, and a subtle statement of guile: she intends that her enemies *won't* realize an offense when she intends one.

Apparently Henrika Karthis is just like her Uncle. Hmm, I thought I heard a rumor that she didn't like him. Guess not.

"I sincerely didn't realize there was a negative connotation to that nickname -- verily, I think it's quite agreeable, even dashing. Obviously I don't know the story behind it. In any case, forward conflict is not what I'm looking for -- especially now." She looks around to the others; "What are we, Andoren?" She says it with a bit of rueful distaste, as though open duels are for boors from Andoran.

LG Aasimar Investigator-1 // Wizard-1 HP: 8/0 .... AC: 12 .... Fort: +0 Ref: +4 Will: +3 Init: +2 .... CMD: 10 Perception: -1 Darkvision

Perdita Vernisant is somewhat taken aback by Countess Cassiopeia's open question. 'Perhaps this gathering is a bit different in tone than I thought -- could Lady Lotheed be *openly* recruiting several of us for some similar political maneuver?!' She looks again at the assemblage- at everyone's Senate Aide badge, at everyone's demeanor even after her and Henrika's tense moment, at the somewhat expectant looks on everyone's face after Zespire's out-loud question. 'I think, 'Yes,' everyone here is here because Marcella Lotheed is recruiting a political cadre for some gambit. Perfect!'

She looks over her shoulder at the rest of the cafe's guests, trying to find eavesdroppers. She's not aware, having arrived late, that Lady Lotheed has provided magical protection. She whispers to the group. "I'm to find a way to discreetly -- and with impunity of course -- discredit a few Senators before the big vote. I'm a bit tardy because I was spending the past couple hours trying to look for some openings. Quiet openings. Sadly, my first bit of work provided no results -- but the day is young and the festivities are just beginning."

....It would be later before Perdita Vernisant had time to think it through, that if Henrika Karthis were on the side of her uncle, the odious Thomas, that she would not have received an invitation from Martella Lotheed.

Conditions: None | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +4 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +2 |
Spells Per Day:
1st 2/2

"Leave it to the Vernisant to rile up the noblewoman" Krios thought to himself, inwardly chuckling. It appeared that young Henrika was spoiling for a confrontation at the earliest moment. He hoped her temper would not cause any further issues on their assignments this evening. It seemed that Perdita finally began to understand the importance of their meeting here with Lady Lotheed and divulged her assignment; discrediting a few Senators. Yes, this was the classic work of spies within the upper reaches. His planning over the last few years would've finally be useful and this night had to be successful. His goals were dependent on it.

"An interesting assortment of tasks, Lady Lotheed. We have a sabotage, information gathering, influencing, and theft. Quite the rigorous testing but...the opportunity is most worthwhile indeed. We shall make our way to the Senate then and begin our tasks? I am most eager to see whether my comrades have been able to infiltrate into the event or not."

F NG human mesmerist 7 | HP 36/66 | AC21* T12* FF21* | CMB+8 CMD19 | F+7 R+7 W+11** (+2 vs illusions, includes Towering Ego) | Init+4 Per+11 SM+11 | hero 2 tricks 4/6 YR 1/1 | spells 1st-3/5 2nd-3/4 3rd-1/2 | effects/conditions bless 7m, bull's strength 3m, displacement 4r, haste 4r, message 70m

Henrika remains standing a little longer than necessary, watching Perdita with distrust (as she has done since she stated her name). Finally she gives a little snort, as if to say "so much for the honor of House Vernisant," and gives Lady Lotheed a respectful nod, like an apology for interrupting. She slowly folds herself back into her seat again and resumes her casual manner to indicate that nothing at all of consequence had happened.

Human Female CG Human Investigator (Toxin Codexer) 1 // Veneficus Witch 1| HP: 9/9 | AC: 12 (12 Tch, 10 Fl) | CMB: -2, CMD: 10 | F: +1, R: +4, W: +2 | Init: +6 | Perc: +6 , SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Raven takes the cricket carefully and puts it within her shoulder bag. "Thank you Lady Lotheed, I will look after it carefully and with luck - it will aid our missions tonight and allow you to enjoy the gala uninterrupted."

Raven settles back in her chair, observing the interaction between Henrika and Perdita. She chooses not to comment on it, but inwardly is a little troubled, hoping that whatever issues the two woman had wouldn't harm the tasks they had to complete. Reflecting that only time would tell, she takes another sip of wine before nodding at Krios.

"I tend to agree with Krios here, we should attempt to gain entry into the Senate sooner rather than later. No doubt there will be a queue to enter and I'd rather put my time to good use inside the building instead of waiting outside in the cold to gain entry"

LG Aasimar Investigator-1 // Wizard-1 HP: 8/0 .... AC: 12 .... Fort: +0 Ref: +4 Will: +3 Init: +2 .... CMD: 10 Perception: -1 Darkvision

Perdita Vernisant listened to Krios and Raven, allowing herself to turn away from Henrika.

’Good, they are as eager as I to get started— though with that laundry list of Krios’ I have to assume we all here have been given a task from Lady Lotheed. And even better, it looks like we are intended to help each other in order to accomplish them. I’ll have to get specifics from them later since I was late.’

”Working in the Senate Building will be tricky, she interjects with Krios, Raven and Cassiopeia, ”Like I said, I just spent an hour or so — albeit withOut a Senate Aide Badge — and security is doubled. If that’s our first step, I think it behooves is to have a ready and plausible reason to be wherever we’re planning on being once we’re inside.”

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