SFS 7-06 Archives of Eternity

GM Discussion

1/5 5/55/5 **

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I just ran a pre-release charity game of this. Despite the hints and reminders early in the scenario that outside of the controlled environment within the camp, this is a low-gravity world, I forgot by the time the players reached Map B.

I think there is an argument for this encounter being outside of the gravity control. It is at the perimeter and there is damage within and clearly defenses breached. Low-gravity would make it much more manageable for low-level characters to leap down 10 feet without injury. This is particularly important for the squishy level 1s, who are unlikely to have jet packs, etc.

Passing on our thoughts from discussion after the game.

Exo-Guardians 2/5 5/5

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I just ran this twice at SkalCon. The gravity isn't much of an issue in archive, but it sure was in area B. Both tables low tier so they appreciated the low gravity to get up and down the cliffs quickly.

For planets in the Pact Worlds and Near Space, I just tell players up front the basic stats (Length of Day and Year, Gravity, Atmosphere) and that helps them and me remember if the planet they're on is weird. For first contacts in the Vast I ask for a Computers check to scan the planet. As long as someone is trained they get the important stuff so there are rarely surprises.

This one is pretty straight forward and covers many of the same themes of dread and genocidal robots that came up in 7-01. Part 1 will take more time that you think as the party can freely explore and wander around.

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