Thread on General Discussion disappeared

Website Feedback


There was a thread I posted yesterday on the General Discussion that seems to be not there anymore. Can I know what might have happened? Here's the original link to the thread. o

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

I saw that before it disappeared. Probably because it dealt with Politics which I think they try to avoid.

Emailing customer service is the best way to maybe get an answer.

Paizo Employee Marketing & Media Specialist

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey Aamir - thank you for reaching out.

Paizo has had a non political posting rule since 2017 and moderators are simply following that policy.

Our staff doesn’t have the training or capacity to moderate discussions on political or global conflict. As such, for the safety of our spaces, we disallow posts of this nature.

Thanks for the information Rue, I did read the Off-Topic sticky post at izocom

and I figured that my post did not meet the criteria as it is about the viewpoint of the company and from that sticky: "Discussions about in-game campaign setting politics, or the viewpoints of the company are treated separately from the restriction imposed in this post."

But I will abide by the decisions of the moderators.

If you could let people at the company know that I have reached out multiple times via email without response and would appreciate one (and the same for the union stewards) then that would be really appreciated!

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