Reviews not showing up on product page

Website Feedback

On some product pages some of the reviews are not shown. It seems they are still counted for the average rating, but the reviews themselves are not visible.

I found this here: shasas-Court
and here: Death

This might be a problem on more product pages, I didn't check them all.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've noticed this problem on several different AP volumes months ago as well.

I have been seeing the same behavior, only it is very intermittent.

It happens when the review is removed (like in the case of the review having slurs in it) or the account that posted the review being deleted.

TheCowardlyLion wrote:
It happens when the review is removed (like in the case of the review having slurs in it) or the account that posted the review being deleted.

Referential integrity is a harsh mistress. ;-)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
TheCowardlyLion wrote:
It happens when the review is removed (like in the case of the review having slurs in it) or the account that posted the review being deleted.

That explanation makes sense for several ratings I've noticed missing, but in other cases the reviews (which are often visible from the users page still) contain no objectionable comments from what I can tell, and the poster is still very much active.

For instance, this is a missing review in Rakshasa's Court. I'd offer more examples but I don't see any way to link individual reviews. Plus tracking down missing reviews is unsurprisingly difficult.

i would understand if some of the 5-20 reviews got removed because of negative language, although removing negative reviews is not the best visual. But Nights of the Gray Death sits at a solid 5 stars, I don't think there would be much negative language.

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