I'm now a publisher on DriveThru!

Product Discussion

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Finally, I've become a publisher on DriveThruRPG!

Here are links to my first products there:

Adventure Location: The Planar Museum

Four Peaceful Options: Lotus Style and Merciful Bombs

Winter Fun

The Fixer: An Investigator Archetype

Please take a look!

Two big projects on the way this week also! They contain the above four items, but I wanted to get them out first.

ericthecleric wrote:

Finally, I've become a publisher on DriveThruRPG!

congrats ☺

Thanks, Azothath!

Here is the link to the two projects mentioned above!

Conversion Series: Legacy of Fire Adventure Path, 206 pages

Conversion Series: Second Darkness Adventure Path, 174 pages

Both for Pathfinder First Edition! Please take a look!

What does it take to become a publisher?

Hi. I've sent you a PM here, but I'm not sure if it delivered, as the website is very slow here this morning.
Also sent you an email (from a different email address than before, because that old address is too unreliable); we corresponded a bit before.

Hi all!

I've added, for free, the conversions of the first book of each adventure path on Pathfinder Infinite. You can see if you like it and want to buy the full versions.

Huh. The links didn't work. Follow the links I provided in the earlier post, and look for the free versions! That's 47 pages for the Legacy of Fire book one conversion, and 35 pages for the Second Darkness book one conversion!

Also, please let me know if you are interested if I create a Patreon account! Not sure how to do that yet, so any tips are appreciated.

ericthecleric wrote:
Also, please let me know if you are interested if I create a Patreon account! Not sure how to do that yet, so any tips are appreciated.

I might be wrong about this, and there's no way to be sure, but I think Bardess may have a Patreon account. They might know how to do it... I don't know why I think that, though. Just some feeling I have.

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