
Soldier Class Discussion

Scarab Sages

Just a suggestion or two for the playtest.

Include a Dancer's spear (or something like it) for the soldier. Most soldiers are going to go all in on dex and con for their ranged attacks unless they are close quarters. That's fine. But the quick swap feat REQUIRES them to switch to a two-handed weapon. So it would be nice to see a finesse two handed weapon for the soldier to switch to in case of emergency. Something like the Elven Branched Spear or the Dancer's spear. Yes, I know those exist in Pathfinder, but we don't know the full rules for buying/incorperating Pathfinder items into starfinder (availability, how to build them, how they interact with the 3d printer item . . . forgot the name.) It would be nice to have a 2-handed finesse weapon that a soldier could default to as an emergency item.

Also: 1e Soldier had a magic soldier subclass. Forget the name at the moment. But it was cool. They got some minor supernatural abilties. I really liked it. My first SF1 character was a deeply religious Kasathan warrior. It would be nice to see a subclass that had some sort of magical ability. I know Ereudite warrior is supposed to be the 'smart one' but, I dunno, it'd be nice to see that back.

In Starfinder 1e, the Spellsoldier was a popular choice, offering minor supernatural abilities that added a unique flavor to the soldier class https://www.aonsrd.com/WeaponDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Tactical&Family=Spea rgeometry dash meldown

Add Kickback to some of the former heavy weapons, and if we're still on Con as primary add that to the list of things Walking Armory does.

AoE manipulation feats.

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