Oracle Revelation Spells in Remaster

Rules Discussion

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Hi all,

I am a little confused by the way Revelation Spells in Remaster work. It says:

Revelation Spells is a type of Focus Spell. It costs 1 Focus Point to cast a Focus Spell.

So while creating my Oracle I get a Revelation Spell and a Focus Spell but only 1 Focus Point using Pathbuilder. I know it may not be exactly right, but I am trying to determine how it works.

When I cast the Revelation Spell in Pathbuilder it used a regular spell slot not a Focus point.

My question is what is the correct usage does it use the focus point or the spell slot?

Thank you for your help.



They use focus points.

I noticed this bug in pathbuilder the other day too. It’s simply confusing the Granted Spells as Revelation Spells. Where it says Revelation Spells in your spell list/spell slot page, it’s supposed to say Granted Spells.

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Thank you so it's not my imagination, they are supposed to be focus spells.

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Sorry I didn't think granted spells used focus points that is why I think of them as focus spells.

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