Doesn't work with Missile Launchers

Soldier Class Discussion

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The soldier class doesn't work with the Missile Launcher weapon despite it strongly aligning with the fantasy and area-weapon style focus of the class. My player heard the soldier is the class for big weapons and area attacks, so after picking their class feats ended up spending their gear on a missile launcher only for me to then inform them that basically none of their classes powers work with it because of not having the area or automatic traits.

While i think that Missiles and Grenades (and their launchers should have the are traitd) they still use Area Attacks which is often enough for your soldier abilities to work.
(I think they just forgot to add the traits.)

This is good playtest stuff to find. Try it out and let them know what is working and what is not. Also I think the way the advanced heavy weapons work is weird as written.

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Trashloot wrote:

While i think that Missiles and Grenades (and their launchers should have the are traitd) they still use Area Attacks which is often enough for your soldier abilities to work.

(I think they just forgot to add the traits.)

In addition to any feat that requires Area or Automatic trait, they also can't Suppressing Fire (requires a failed save), and can't use their bombard subclass they took (requires area trait). They could only use primary target and that is basically it for what they got from their class.

kaid wrote:
This is good playtest stuff to find. Try it out and let them know what is working and what is not. Also I think the way the advanced heavy weapons work is weird as written.

My player did not want to "try out" not being able to use any of their soldier feats, subclass, or the key suppressing fire feature. That is just going to make their experience awful.

The player shouldn't have to slog through sucking multiple encounters to prove "a lot of mechanics of the class don't work with this weapon" when that's a baseline rules interaction.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The Stellar Cannon is a better missile launcher than the missile launcher, anyway, and fully works with soldier abilities.

Missile launchers are just kinda really bad all around right now; trying to make them halfway between a real weapon and a consumable has left them in a feelbad place, especially compared to the stellar cannon which lands the rocket launcher fantasy really well.

Stellar Cannon is what I recommended the player to switch to. The name "cannon" initially made them not even realize it even was a missile launcher.

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Also missiles are too expensive to use.

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