Suggestions for Pathfinder's Fiction?

Paizo General Discussion

Hi! \o
I had no clue where would be precisely appropriate to post this, so I opted to go for the rather broad 'Paizo General Discussion' subsection.

Might anyone here have suggestions on finding some of PF's fiction that deals with a specific subject matter?

Namely, /Wizards/. I'm hoping to find books (or short stories, I'll take just about anything), that go into detail about wizards, their spellbooks, their sheer /nerdiness/, etcetera, etcetera.

Sure, of course, there's the actual TTRPG corebooks, but those can really only provide a fragment of lore/explanation for stuff. (Secrets of Magic, I adore you for the lore and art alone). But I want to read moar about wizards say, poring over moldering tomes, scouring libraries, how their magic looks, manifests, how they cast, etcetera, etcetera.

Yes, please, feed this nerd, more lore about the nerds.

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