General Typos and Errors (that I found)

Playtest General Discussion

As the title says, just listing clear (and maybe some not-so-clear) errors I've found while reading the pdf playtest rules.

Page 42 - Fearless Feat is lacking a +1 bonus to saving throws against fear effects. All similar feats in PF2e (including Android "Emotionless" on page 10 of the playtest) all give a +1 circumstance bonus.

Page 69 - "Striker" Operatives become proficient with unarmed and one-handed melee weapons with the agile trait. However, NONE of the other features of the Striker exploit apply to unarmed attacks, including the proficiency scaling at higher levels, making unarmed combat builds impractical despite heavily implying to apply in the flavor text.

Page 100 - There is no way to get any kind of item bonus to hit to your solar shot, making it a very poor comparison to any any other ranged weapon in the playtest. Solar potency crystals only apply to solar weapons, and Solar Flare is not a solar weapon.

Page 169 - Mobile Bulwark "Hefty" trait is lacking a value. Hefty trait description states it requires 2 actions to raise unless users strength exceeds the value.

Page 173 - The "Auto-Fire" action does not explain what happens when you do not have enough ammo in the magazine to assign shots to every target.

Page 192 - As written, Sniper's Scope affects ranged area weapons like flamethrowers. Would be cool to keep that functionality, but probably should be a different item...

Page 193 - Shock Module says "etched onto a weapon" under usage, should be "installed in a weapon"

Adding to the list:

Page 112 - The speed penalty of Suppressed is listed as -10 feet. The later listing on page 256 defines it as -5.

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