Starting funds?

Soldier Class Discussion

The 150 starting credits seem a little low for the soldier. I was using the Iconic Pregen (Obozaya) as a guide and found that you cannot afford the same loadout Obozaya has at LVL1. I’m not sure if this is normal for pregens; however for anyone rolling a lvl1 soldier, the high cost of ammo means you may need to give up some basic parts of you kit (melee weapon) or choose suboptimal choices just due to cost.

Has anyone noticed this? Am I missing anything?

Most people assume ammo price is misprinted and it's supposed to be 10 per credit for cartridge weapons. It would line up with PF2e ammo pricing where ammo is 10/silver, but who knows.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

DMurnett wrote:
Most people assume ammo price is misprinted and it's supposed to be 10 per credit for cartridge weapons. It would line up with PF2e ammo pricing where ammo is 10/silver, but who knows.

Hopefully, we get an errata soon.

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DMurnett wrote:
Most people assume ammo price is misprinted and it's supposed to be 10 per credit for cartridge weapons. It would line up with PF2e ammo pricing where ammo is 10/silver, but who knows.

So, I thought that at first, but it turns out there is a precedent for 1 sp per bullet. Arcadian repeating air firearms actually do cost 1 sp per bullet, which they might have used as a comparison point.

Though I do hope they lower the price anyway to reflect the commonality of modern ammo in the Starfinder playspace.

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