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The 150 starting credits seem a little low for the soldier. I was using the Iconic Pregen (Obozaya) as a guide and found that you cannot afford the same loadout Obozaya has at LVL1. I’m not sure if this is normal for pregens; however for anyone rolling a lvl1 soldier, the high cost of ammo means you may need to give up some basic parts of you kit (melee weapon) or choose suboptimal choices just due to cost.

Has anyone noticed this? Am I missing anything?

Kitusser wrote:

This directive gets the Digital Diversion feat which lets them Create a Diversion using the Computers skill (which is an Intelligence skill). Why wouldn't you just use Deception instead? Envoy's key ability score is Charisma.

Moreover, one if its Acts of Leadership is to Create a Diversion using Computers. Not seeing the reason to pick this.

Completely agree.

I was excited to see that there was a “computers” focused option.

Reading through the option though, it’s primary effect is essentially to let you use the computers skill to replace deception for a distraction. This might be powerful on a high INT character, but on a Charisma based Envoy, it seems like a bad trade off. For almost all envoys, deception will be higher than computers, even if you build INT as a secondary stat. And this is fine; the problem here is that this ability’s only benefit is to provide Computers as an alternative to Deception and since deception will normally be higher on an envoy, the player is being asked to choose to do something they can probably already do, and just to do it at a lower bonus and with a restricted set of targets (tech). Even if the Envoy uses the ability, they may still be worse at causing distractions than other envoys using deception.

Would love to see an approach where this ability gives some benefit that doesn’t directly compete with deception (or another CHA skill) so that the Infosphere envoy player has a more optimal choice and so that this envoy has some sort of ability that differentiates them (even a little) from other envoys.