Azothath's Homebrew: Tub of Solace [none] 800gp

Homebrew and House Rules

Tub of Solace
Aura: faint Conj; SplLvl@CstrLvl:1@3 DC:12 (successful dispel suppresses current function for 6 rounds)
Slot: [none]; Price: 800 gp; Weight: 1 lb.

A waxed hardwood serving bowl with two leather handles and 7-9 inset brass(copper) coins in its bottom that can hold about 14 apples. It's nice and makes a fine bowl for bread, fruit, flowers, table decor, or soup.
The command words are cleverly inscribed around the diameter of several coins disguised as epithets or minting marks, to activate the item simply touch a coin and speak its command in common. 1) "Grow" the bowl expands into a large wooden %L*2.5W*3Dft rounded tub with two leather handles on the interior weighing 20 lbs for about 60 min then shrinks back to normal size. It can hold 2 medium sized humans while technically squeezing. It can act as a clumsy boat for one person but will capsize within 1d3+2 rounds with two people. 2) "Bath" bowl/tub fills to 2/3rds with warm clean water (about 150 gal or 20 cu ft or 1250lb when large) over 2 rounds that gently swirls in the tub for up to 30 minutes. 3) "Tide" as 2 but the water is rather cool and salty. 4) "Gone" the bowl/tub magically drains and shrinks over 2 rounds returning to a clean & empty small bowl. Other coins (marked with words such as Feast, King Luck, One Eye'd Jack, Preserve, Wealth, Wine, etc) simply serve as misdirection to hide its utility. Each function is usable once per three days.
Any water spilled out or taken from the tub bubbles and vanishes after 1d4+2 rounds, thus the tub is worthless for slaking thirst or watering plants. In dire need the tub can be used as improved cover but the user is limited to half speed and can only see into the lower foot of adjacent squares (-5 perception) and cannot effectively attack, ripost, parry, or take AoOs. The Tub of Comfort has Hrd:6 and HP:12 with Resist Fire or Cold 3 making it difficult to burn or break by freezing. If the tub is damaged to less than half HPs it ceases to function and is stuck in its current form without water until repaired.

Greater Tub of Solace: CL:6, DC 14. as tub with 12 charges usable by any inset coin, regains up to 3 charges per day. Hrd:7, HP:14. 2000 gp

Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, prestidigitation or create water; Cost 400gp

by Azothath

130-160# more realistic for large tub

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