Envoy is a Rogue so why not Embrace it?

Envoy Class Discussion

I feel Enovy with their leadership styles could benefit massively from the Rogue's ability to choose their KAS from their diferent Leadership styles. That way you can get +4 Dex from the Gunslinger Envoy or Wis for the Medicine one, or Str for the lead from the front.

Right now Get'Em feels like Get'Em is compensating for Soldier & Envoy's lack of +4 to their primary attack stat of Dex or Str. In fact this could be solved if you allowed them to get +4 Dex.

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I take mild exception to the title of the thread. Envoy is not a Rogue. Envoy is an Envoy. Envoy has the skill progression of Rogue and Investigator. So it is just as (in)accurate to say that Envoy is an Investigator.

Also, Thaumaturge is still considered a good and viable martial class even though it also can't get +4 to its weapon attack attribute either.

Well alright then but the thing is it gets the Rogue from Pathfinder 2E's skills and has many different play styles. I feel as wrong as it is I had no better idea as to what to call the thread. I was merely making a point that allowing the highly skilled, social maybe, class to choose their KAS would make it a much more intriguing class then simply having CHA has their only KAS.

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