Are there concrete details about the first days after the Gap?

General Discussion

So, I've been working on starfinder playtest character concepts as well as the 1e character who will get their chronicles and perhaps play in a few conventions, and I'm interested in learning more about the first chaotic days of the gap, because I think they'd be very formative to some of my society characters (The two characters I have in mind are a gap-born Elf and an Elven Xenometric android who had the peculiar fortune of being renwed the day the gap ended on Absalom Station). Are there official sources, either in the form of fiction or lore books? Blog posts?

Here are a few of my questions;

1) Did memories of the deceased survive the way memories of living interpersonal relationships? Can those who lived through the gap remeber the faces of parents who died before the gap ended? If not, could the inability to remember anything about one's parents while clearly recognizing a baby brother lead someone to realize their parents died very recently if evidence of living with one's parents was still present in one's domicile?

2) How complete was the destruction of written and visual information? I know histories were wiped clean, and family photos were hopelessly fuzzy, but did street signs get wiped? Advertisements? Cargo manifests? "Happy 80th Birthday!" and "Happy Renewal!" decorations?

3) How did the financial situation work (specifically on Absalom Station, since that's where the characters lived)? Did people know if they rented or owned their living space? Did people still have bank account balnces they could draw from even if the earlier transaction records were wiped, or were you stuck with whatever credsticks you had on you?

Thanks for the help!

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