【PF1e】About Beast-bonded......

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I wanted to use Beast-bonded to make a girl who was cursed so she couldn't go out on adventures, so use her best friend (the Witch's Familiar) to go on adventures in her place.
However, my DM said that in the PFS Guide, obtaining the record sheet requires the character to complete the adventure, not the player. Are there any rules or the designer's words that can convince him?

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

Are you saying that you want a character (beast-bonded witch) but the character stays behind during adventures, and you're playing just the familiar instead?

So - the GM is wrong on the intent: Your character is completing the adventure, it's just that you're choosing not to use 95% of your character's abilities and are instead using just the familiar. Whether your character is with the party, 30ft behind the party, 120ft behind the party, or just staying home, doesn't really matter.*

However, I'm guessing that the GM isn't really being pedantic about the letter of the rule just because they believe it's RAW - it feels more likely that the GM is opposed to you playing just a familiar, because you are forgoing a lot of your class abilities (including all your spells, and you are A FULL SPELLCASTER) and you are effectively crippling your character for no particular mechanical reason, which will make the scenarios harder for the rest of the party.

Technically speaking, what you're doing isn't *wrong* as far as I know, but it's very questionable.

*For comparison, you could just make the character be the familiar's 'butler' and just stand around during combat, and say that the actual witch is staying home. Same mechanical result, different flavor. Problem isn't whether it's technically legal or not, problem is that it's problematic for the table.

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