Nocticula’s Boon — the Good, the Bad, and the Repercussions (a PF1e discussion)

Wrath of the Righteous

Hello! Running this again and struggling to find all the references to things discussing Nocticula and how she handles people accepting, rejecting, or otherwise to her offered gifts.

Obviously there are strong feelings about RP and specific table expectations. I’ve read those—I’ve found it more difficult to find the exact mentions in-AP.

I am curious:

1) how many times is it mentioned afterwords, and what benefits and drawbacks does it give you?

2) outside of nebulously not “owing Nocticula an ill-defined favor,” what is the benefit for turning her down? What is the downside other than “not having a nifty thing?”

3) what has been the results in your campaign afterwords, and why? (I admit, ten years and a whole other edition later, not to mention the CRPG literally taking up practically every online space discussion, might mean this is a tad late for asking people how it went in their 1e game, but… eh, we’ll see who find this)

(And, yes, my search-fi is weak: it always has been. Feel free to point to other discussions, though I’d appreciate personal takes and input or full information here as well, should that not be entirely disagreeable.)

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