Large climbing creatures and squeezing

Rules Questions

Grand Archive

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If a large creature is in a hallway that is narrow that requires them to squeeze, and they choose to climb the wall, which for this purpose is plenty tall enough to provide a comfortably sized space, are they still squeezing? Would large (tall) vs large (long) affect whether they are squeezing or not?

If a creature is squeezing, it gets a –4 penalty to attacks and AC (and movement cost increases). If a creature is climbing (and still squeezing), it will have these penalties, but will need both hands free to climb, can't use a shield and will lose its Dex to AC (and has a chance to fall if it takes damage). Climbing is typically at half speed, so this might be reduced even further for squeezing (but likely the climb check will have a –10 DC bonus for being able to brace against both sides, so they could likely take the accelerated climbing penalty of +5 DC and counter it).

The only time a tall vs long quality will come into play would be if a space was narrow, but only about half as high as the creature (I can't remember where I read this, full disclosure). For instance, imagine you are moving between the bumpers of two parked cars, the narrow part is just around your legs, not your torso, so a GM might apply the squeezing penalty of movement, but not to your AC or attack, since your applicable area isn't truly squeezing or impeded.

Other than that, it can depend on a creature's actual anatomy. A Large-sized snake can fairly be ruled as being unimpeded by a narrow pipe (movement-wise) where a horse just wouldn't be able to even squeeze in with an Escape Artist check.

Grand Archive

Pizza Lord wrote:

If a creature is squeezing, it gets a –4 penalty to attacks and AC (and movement cost increases). If a creature is climbing (and still squeezing), it will have these penalties, but will need both hands free to climb, can't use a shield and will lose its Dex to AC (and has a chance to fall if it takes damage). Climbing is typically at half speed, so this might be reduced even further for squeezing (but likely the climb check will have a –10 DC bonus for being able to brace against both sides, so they could likely take the accelerated climbing penalty of +5 DC and counter it).

The only time a tall vs long quality will come into play would be if a space was narrow, but only about half as high as the creature (I can't remember where I read this, full disclosure). For instance, imagine you are moving between the bumpers of two parked cars, the narrow part is just around your legs, not your torso, so a GM might apply the squeezing penalty of movement, but not to your AC or attack, since your applicable area isn't truly squeezing or impeded.

Other than that, it can depend on a creature's actual anatomy. A Large-sized snake can fairly be ruled as being unimpeded by a narrow pipe (movement-wise) where a horse just wouldn't be able to even squeeze in with an Escape Artist check.

Thank you for the detailed answer! It helps. I should have added that the creature has a climb speed and can attack with natural weapons that are not used for the climbing which perhaps have some bearing here. My question was mainly whether they are still considered squeezing which, based on the @bove, it sounds like they are. Just trading the narrow floor but tall ceiling for the wider wall but narrow space to the other wall.

Liberty's Edge

Pizza Lord wrote:
The only time a tall vs long quality will come into play would be if a space was narrow, but only about half as high as the creature (I can't remember where I read this, full disclosure). For instance, imagine you are moving between the bumpers of two parked cars, the narrow part is just around your legs, not your torso, so a GM might apply the squeezing penalty of movement, but not to your AC or attack, since your applicable area isn't truly squeezing or impeded.

I think that the Tall/Long quality was a 3.5 rule not ported in Pathfinder.

Checking the Bestiary with the tall keyword I don't see anything useful.

The rules for tall creatures are about reach and found in the core rule book. Basically, a long creature (as opposed to a tall), has less reach than normal.

The distinction was more important in 3e where also there was large creatures like horses that weren't 2x2 spaces (they were 1x2) and also could be 1 or more squares tall in 3d space.

Note that many of these creatures that shouldn't have to worry about vertical space also usually have the compression ability to manage said "snake in pipe" scenarios. If a creature doesn't have that, and your gm really think it should be fine in a certain terrain spacing, then just borrow from that rule.

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