A Vision of Brute Squad (Inactive)

Game Master ThorGN

A Vision of Betrayal PFS PBP, Level 1

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Grand Lodge

female Elf (Taegrejee na'Maauteran) monk 1 - DECEASED

@Dasiji - thanks for the timing reminder - good call! Fortunately still soon enough to edit back. :) Thanks!

Grand Lodge

(HP 22/22 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 | R +5 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +6) Male Human (Ijo) Ranger 2

1d12/x2 it is! I'll switch back as soon as I can. :)

And I think that you misunderstood my point. It would be rational to take the delay action to move your initiative to after the bard, and before the enemy. No action lost, and a buff gained.

Grand Lodge

female Elf (Taegrejee na'Maauteran) monk 1 - DECEASED

@Dasiji - I did misunderstand somewhat, but in character Aesantiel didn't know that Kass was about to start singing. So she's reacting as quickly as she can (which is fairly quickly) to the present threat.

and squish the kitty that just half killed her. That's not something she's likely to pause and take stock of before reacting.

Y'all haven't really seen Aesantiel shift gears yet. When she's got a clear direction and 'now' is the 'right time', she pulls out the stops and nails the pedal to the firewall. No hesitation. No flinching. Pure unfettered action. and.. umm... probably fair warning - no scruples in following through completely. Kitty may be unhappy with his new playmate.

So call it a self-inflicted RP sub-optimization :)

Grand Lodge

(HP 22/22 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 | R +5 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +6) Male Human (Ijo) Ranger 2

I've enjoyed being able to RP so much this three-day weekend, but from now until Friday, I'll be back to my usual schedule of late evening GMT-8. Because of working for money. Just so you know. ;)

Scarab Sages

HP 9/9, Init +6, AC: 13, T: 12, FF: 10, F: +2, R: +3, W: +2 Perception +1 <Dark Vision>, CMD: 12 , Male Tiefling Witch 1

OK I'm glad there has been wand discussion because I wasn't sure if anyone had given me a wand to use yet. I can certainly apply the infernal wand when needed.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

The Barbarian forgot to prepare Magic Missile?

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

This one’s for Noa, but the rest of you might like it too.

Evoking Day

Grand Lodge

female Elf (Taegrejee na'Maauteran) monk 1 - DECEASED

@GM - many thanks, and evocation day blessings upon you. Now I'm going to quietly crumple up and pass out, m'kay?

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1

So we have to go to a Nethysian temple to claim this? Or just have a character active during this window, and attach the sheet? Can all my active toons get a copy, or is it onesy per PFS ID? The Magus kinda gets dibs on the Gypsy, although she'll still have danced. :)

Grand Lodge

female Elf (Taegrejee na'Maauteran) monk 1 - DECEASED

@Noa - thanks for the kind words. Some lucky dice. Good bard buffs and witch debuffs. If the first hit hadn't been a crit, Aeasantiel would have rope-a-dope'd a bit and waited for some backup...

So - aside from some singed whiskers, this is a perfectly intact panther hide - no sword slashes, no arrow holes. Who's got the skills to skin it clean? Although... I may have kicked its teeth in. Apologies if anyone had their heart set on a kitty-tooth necklace.

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1

We can just pick them off the ground. :)

I expect Survival is the skill for skinning? Noa is no help there, but she can go on and on about her mother's stories. Her understanding of skinning she sums up as, "Try to cu' in a strai' line, an' no' too deep...?"

Kinda glad to have missed with the Falchion, now. :)

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

Clarification on the Evoking Day Boon: You can only have one per Player. So if you are playing a local game within the legal timeframe feel free to print it out and take it to the session and apply it to that character. I can apply it to this game and the character you have here for anyone who is interested.

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1

I'll be putting it on my Magus, who might actually buy a spell someday, and who has Arcana, etc. But I'll also be imagining Noa dancing in the stroboscopic dream that is hundreds of striped spinning monochromatically dressed ravers.

Silver Crusade

HP 11/11, Init +4, AC: 19, T: 14, FF: 15, F: +2, R: +6, W: +2 Perception +4, CMD: 14 , Female Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 1

I've been thinking, if we are going to do a bunch of adventures together, we should come up with a Party name...or something....other then "We are Pathfinders"

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1

In keeping with long tradition, we could be the Scalded Cats. We could be the Ways, as in 'more than one way'. :)

Something will come up, and be perfect.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

I don't know, isn't there a jingle: "We Are Pathfinders! Bum, ba bum, bum bum, bum, bum!"


Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

Or perhaps the Tribe of the Dancing Barbarian?

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

Speaking of other adventures, I just realized that The Godsmouth Heresy is also set in the City of Strangers. Since we are planning on going there anyway, would you all be interested in running that module as well, or should we stick with Scenarios?

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1

I'm so new here, that all sounds like Charlie Brown's teacher. Noa will go along with, whatever you more-informed types agree to.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

A Module is a longer scenario that is also sanctioned for Society play, but was not written specifically for PFS. They tend to be a little more challenging than the standard scenario. They are also significantly longer, granting 3 XP and 4 PP.

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1

BTW, Noa does not consider herself a barbarian. She's city-raised. She doesn't rage, she get's focused, like her mama the elf magus taught her. But I suppose one might be forgiven for seeing her leap the fire, swinging that falchion, and coming to a barbaric conclusion.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

So, we have a Dancer, a Singer, and a Flute player... Time to make a traveling band!

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1
GM Brute Squad wrote:
So, we have a Dancer, a Singer, and a Flute player... Time to make a traveling band!

It's a good 'cover', yes. And it doesn't hurt to Aid Another, even without skill. :)

Grand Lodge

female Elf (Taegrejee na'Maauteran) monk 1 - DECEASED

and a mule - brementown players?

<-- victim of an overactive self-education

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1
Aesantiel wrote:

and a mule - brementown players?

<-- victim of an overactive self-education

Thank you for the link!

Silver Crusade

HP 11/11, Init +4, AC: 19, T: 14, FF: 15, F: +2, R: +6, W: +2 Perception +4, CMD: 14 , Female Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 1

God mouth sounds like a great idea. I think we should run it after this one.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

Anyone else want to weigh in on the Godsmouth idea?

The Shadow Gambit would work really well as the next session because it has story elements that get you to the city. If we ran Godsmouth, I would want to do it in between or after the CoS sequence. My vote would be in between.

Has anyone ran Godsmouth with a different character?

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

In other news, how long do you want me to wait before forcing along the plot? Sometimes when there is a lull in posting I’m not sure if you all are waiting on me, or just busy with life.

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1

Busy with life, happy to be moved on. If I knew folk better, might write a trying-on-furs montage with the ladies, mostly to establish that when we need to, we can make one heck of a show. (While the menfolk presumably use the distraction to accomplish some mischief).

I have no real opinion on which scenario next or during. Just remember, 'Noamuth' is Drow for 'Murderhobo'.

Actually, it's 'Wanderer'.


Silver Crusade

Male (hp 20/20 : AC 18 (T 11, FF 17) : CMD 16 : F +8 , R +4 , W +7 : Init +1 : Perc +3) Teifling (Pitborn) Paladin (Sacred Shield) 2

Feel free to keep the story moving. If I'm a little slow at posting it's only because my most convenient time is on lunch breaks at work (EST).

As for the Godsmouth, I have played it once before, but it was some time ago, so wouldn't be opposed to playing through it again, so long as it's before Baru reaches second level.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

Are you sure Noamuth is not Gnomish for ‘lady with many scarves’?

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1
GM Brute Squad wrote:
Are you sure Noamuth is not Gnomish for ‘lady with many scarves’?

Would that not depend upon the Gnome in question?

Grand Lodge

female Elf (Taegrejee na'Maauteran) monk 1 - DECEASED

happy to be moved along - 'Godsmouth' just sounds too cool, and I haven't played it before.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

Ok. So my plan is CoS 1 next, then Godsmouth, then CoS 2. After that we will revisit what we are doing next, assuming we are all not tired of each other by then. ;)

Also, that lineup will get a brand new player to level 3, so I retract my previous request that you get XP outside this group. (You can if you want too, but I'm not asking you too.)

Grand Lodge

(HP 22/22 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 | R +5 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +6) Male Human (Ijo) Ranger 2

I've never played any of those, and don't really have an opinion.

If I'm quiet, it's probably because I'm at work. ;) But moving along is fine. I can always flextime some rp... which reminds me that I keep forgetting to.

Scarab Sages

HP 9/9, Init +6, AC: 13, T: 12, FF: 10, F: +2, R: +3, W: +2 Perception +1 <Dark Vision>, CMD: 12 , Male Tiefling Witch 1

This is all very encouraging

Grand Lodge

(HP 22/22 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 | R +5 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +6) Male Human (Ijo) Ranger 2

This is all so totally ooc that I felt bad about even trying to reply in the Gameplay thread, regardless of tags.

Anyone can attempt any Knowledge check, but untrained can only succeed at a DC of 10 or less (CRB pg. 100). However, bards have the Bardic Knowledge class ability that lets them make *all* Knowledge skill checks untrained (CRB pg. 35). And the circumstance bonus from Aesantiel's book would stack with that (ISWG pg. 293).

Also, I really need a nickname for her, because it's that or find a reference for the correct spelling every single time. ;) I'm thinking Aesa.

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1

Santi? Aes,pronounced 'ace'? Kill-kitten? :)

Ace-kill Kitten makes me think of Gambit crossed with Bullseye crossed with Tigra.

...and I have work to do!

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

I was thinking Tiel.

Grand Lodge

female Elf (Taegrejee na'Maauteran) monk 1 - DECEASED

Aesantiel will answer to either Aesa or Tiel. BTW, her full name is "Aesantiel of the Taegrejee na'Maauteran" :)

Silver Crusade

HP 11/11, Init +4, AC: 19, T: 14, FF: 15, F: +2, R: +6, W: +2 Perception +4, CMD: 14 , Female Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 1

Sorry about the delay in posting, I worked all last night and all this morning.

I can roll on any knowledge check, so if you wana roll for me when issue come up I have no problem with it, just to keep the ball rolling.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

So we should call her "Money" because her full name abbreviates to ATM. :P

Grand Lodge

(HP 22/22 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 | R +5 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +6) Male Human (Ijo) Ranger 2

Just so everyone knows, entangled isn't as bad as it sounds. It's pretty bad, but you can still move yourself on the map at half of your normal speed.

Silver Crusade

HP 11/11, Init +4, AC: 19, T: 14, FF: 15, F: +2, R: +6, W: +2 Perception +4, CMD: 14 , Female Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 1

Its actually 1/4. The swap is difficult terrain, then entanglement spell stacks with that. If you're entangled then it is 1/8....

Grand Lodge

(HP 22/22 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 | R +5 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +6) Male Human (Ijo) Ranger 2

I don't understand. You just quoted in the other thread, "An entangled creature moves at half speed." So if someone with an encumbered speed of 20' were entangled, then his speed would be 10', which would enable him to move two normal squares (only one of which could be diagonal) or one square of difficult terrain (which is only the green).

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

The way I read it, plants in the Swamp would be rooted in the ground. So if you are Entangled you are also stationary. A Str check gets you out. Then it’s Difficult Terrain.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

Btw, I posted a link to the map in the Campaign Info tab, so you don’t need to hunt for it.

Silver Crusade

HP 11/11, Init +4, AC: 19, T: 14, FF: 15, F: +2, R: +6, W: +2 Perception +4, CMD: 14 , Female Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 1

Don't forget my +1 to attack and damage. I will be out tomorrow.

GM Brute, here is my escape artist roll and I will ready an action to shoot the crazy kobold in the face if she cast a spell

Attack 1d20 + 2 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (20) + 2 + 1 - 4 = 19
Damage 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Woot possible crit

Attack 1d20 + 2 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 2 + 1 - 4 = 17
Damage 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Escape Artist check 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

Ok, so the last couple rounds went a little wonky in combat. For future reference, you don't need to post your action in order, but I will resolve in order. If you post something in combat like "Hey, we want to talk." I will assume that is your action unless you post otherwise. It might be a good idea to put Round X in your post just to be doubly sure.

Also try be a little clearer on when you are delaying or readying actions to help us all out for tracking things. If you are straggling in posting, I will start to move you down the initiative order, effectively delaying your character, but still calling for you to act so that you can jump in as soon as possible.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

This weekend will be slow for the holiday. I will be traveling starting Thursday morning. I might be able to post on Friday and Sunday, but I make no promises.

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