Mandela Effect and Ponies?

Off-Topic Discussions

Scarab Sages

I think I'm going crazy.

I remember, quite clearly, years ago that someone somewhere put out a PDF that had a conversion for how to play My little POny in Pathfinder 1e. I am pretty sure it was an April fools joke. I remember seeing the PDF, which looked like excerpts from a Pathfinder 1e sourcebook. I have looked everywhere for this and I cannot find it at all. I could have sworn it was called Ponyfinder because that is just the obvious name.

I am aware of a third party publisher who has made a Pathfinder-compatable campaign using My little ponies with the serial numbers filed off so they aren't sued. That is also called POnyfinder, but I don't think that is what I am looking for. This company seems to have put out several sourcebooks and, like, good for them, but I thought this was a Paizo thing back in like, 2011 maybe? I found some old reddit posts that link to some forums that are now defunct. Also a link to a non-existent WotC thing, which also has a broken link. Way back machine gets me nothing.

Am I crazy? Did I misunderstand?

I promise you I'm not some crazy pony guy, not yet anyway, but I swore this thing existed and wanted to show my other Pathfinder friends because they don't believe me and . . . nothing. I cannot find hide nor hair of it. Did I imagine the whole thing? Anyone know if this PDF still exists?

Lets see there was

Tales of equestria

I'm sure there were others before that.

Scarab Sages

BigNorseWolf wrote:

Lets see there was

Tales of equestria

I'm sure there were others before that.

I found the pages here:

Though I can't find information on who created it.

The first Google result for "pathfinder ponyfinder."

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Indeed. I own ponyfinder and met the creators back I'm 2012 at a Brony event. Great people.

I was going to say, I have a real copy on my shelf right now. It wasn't just a PDF; you could order a real published book.

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I am angry at my brain throughout this thread for repeatedly misreading "Ponyfinder" as "Pugfinder". I am very disappointed that there is neither a pug (dog)-centric version nor a pugwampi-centric version of Pathfinder.

Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
I am angry at my brain throughout this thread for repeatedly misreading "Ponyfinder" as "Pugfinder". I am very disappointed that there is neither a pug (dog)-centric version nor a pugwampi-centric version of Pathfinder.

Dungeons and doggos?

Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
I am angry at my brain throughout this thread for repeatedly misreading "Ponyfinder" as "Pugfinder". I am very disappointed that there is neither a pug (dog)-centric version nor a pugwampi-centric version of Pathfinder.

Try Pulgfinder. That’ll work.

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Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
I am angry at my brain throughout this thread for repeatedly misreading "Ponyfinder" as "Pugfinder". I am very disappointed that there is neither a pug (dog)-centric version nor a pugwampi-centric version of Pathfinder.

You are thinking of Pugmire, a different game.

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keftiu wrote:
Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
I am angry at my brain throughout this thread for repeatedly misreading "Ponyfinder" as "Pugfinder". I am very disappointed that there is neither a pug (dog)-centric version nor a pugwampi-centric version of Pathfinder.
You are thinking of Pugmire, a different game.

No, Pugmire is my sprawling Longmire smut fanfiction set in Golarion with a lesbian gremlin gunslinger version of Vic Moretti as the protagonist.

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