Roads and Ruins, ready to be torn apart by the community.

Homebrew and House Rules

This is a rough draft of my system, Roads and Ruins. It is heavily modified D20. The final step, removal of classes, is still underway, but I’ve been stalled on that for a bit, thus I present it in it’s current usable form so that all of you can tell me what’s wrong with it, and maybe even spot a few good things too.

A couple aspects are less simple than I’d like, but I want to see them in play before I refine them further.

In any case, I have the mechanics up on Homebrewery, so here are the links,

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

This is the incomplete part, but the rest should be playable without it.
Part 6

Liberty's Edge

Small detail, in p1, "Fractions", you've written 1.75+2.5*2
Typically in math, summary comes after multiplication.
Maybe what you need is: (1.75+2.5)*2

TorresGlitch wrote:

Small detail, in p1, "Fractions", you've written 1.75+2.5*2

Typically in math, summary comes after multiplication.
Maybe what you need is: (1.75+2.5)*2

And that’s another reason to have other eyes looking at it. :) Thank you.

look up the Floor function and notation, like ⌊2×(1.75 +2.5)⌋. Then mean(x̄), variance(σ², Var(X)), summation(various) and glossary of math symbols(that will really help) and () vs [] or {}.
 A helpful mnemonic is "please my dear aunt sally" for order of operations; powers{exponent like a^x or aˣ}, multiply, divide, add, subtract.
Various publishers have tried to make their formulaic english like word problems to keep the math accessible to middle school students. They also avoided a lot of punctuation/symbols that made things more difficult, clumsy, and take up more space. The idea of I=⌊(Lvl +1)/4⌋⊕1 was avoided.

Unicode IS helpful, so learn how to type an em-dash and some other special symbols in fonts. I'd try Trebuchet MS/Fira Code, Linux Libertine/Biolinum, EasyReading, GNU FreeFont.

on topics, just say "Game Math" or "Doing Math" followed by at least two examples of each type. Put all your math symbols and notations in this section.

BTW, posting things on an open message board puts them in the public domain.

I made a last minute tricky edit to avoid the term Minimum using XOR(⊻, ⊕). You could use "{stuff}:Min 1", "{stuff}, minimum 1", "{stuff}≥1" or "{text}:Max 10", "{text}≤10".

The numbers you are looking for are called "integers", like -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...

I'll mention I'm not a fan of serif fonts in body text as text should be easily read. Human eyeballs see red-yellow, blue-green, or HSL 'lightness'(black/white) and there's actually an invisible color that appears gray. Review colorblind colors when you choose a (ugly) header font color. People would gripe when my backgrounds were too vivid, so I'd keep the background at 15% or less so contrast stays high.

I figure that most people reading my mechanics, myself included, have no idea what most of that specialized math stuff is, and frankly, there really isn’t a need to either. While I like math enough to find it interesting, pretty sure most would run away from any system at first glimpse of such math stuff. Not that I need any explanation of most of it.

Noting the public domain stuff is a good thing to note. It’s playtest material so I don’t mind most of it being open, but I’ll need to scrub setting material from further postings. A great deal of it is already under ogl though, which I’m pretty sure takes precedence, though I should make sure I’ve got the ogl stuff in there somewhere.

As for color of the text body, all good info to keep on mind, thank you.

lol... I did kinda intentionally push the boundary but my point is the math notation is already there and there's no need to be ignorant of it or not use it when it is appropriate. Strike a balance of what's useful and what's not needed.
Create/use a format and stick to that (be consistent). Once readers learn a phrase they will be able to correctly re-interpret later statements. There's a lot of pedantic hairsplitting that goes on in the system as is.

I don't think anybody in the artistic or graphic world of effort would say the color-blind colors are pretty. They are useful.

Perusing section 1 I think it is awfully wordy and could be cut by a third. There's always a mix of "fluff and crunch", I'd say stay physically descriptive and useful sticking to introductory paragraph as artistic then a rule paragraph. Some terms step on IP and I'd change those as it's one OGL or the other or none. Some references are made to the Real World (and explained) and I'd consider if they're necessary or need explaining.

Azothath wrote:


Perusing section 1 I think it is awfully wordy and could be cut by a third. There's always a mix of "fluff and crunch", I'd say stay physically descriptive and useful sticking to introductory paragraph as artistic then a rule paragraph. Some terms step on IP and I'd change those as it's one OGL or the other or none. Some references are made to the Real World (and explained) and I'd consider if they're necessary or need explaining.

I know...{whew} it's always write a lot of stuff then edit it back. Don't take it too seriously but ask, 1) is it useful to the Game and if I cut it out will it have any effect, 2) how often will a player/GM use it, and 3) does it create an emotional response or set a tone.

You seem to be taking the "recreate the Game" (like Paizo did with D&D3.0/3.5 for PF1) path using an OGL rather than tweaking it and adding to it (like many 3rd party publishers did with PF1).

Azothath wrote:

You seem to be taking the "recreate the Game" (like Paizo did with D&D3.0/3.5 for PF1) path using an OGL rather than tweaking it and adding to it (like many 3rd party publishers did with PF1).

Oh my intent is to create my own system entirely from scratch, which I call ART (Advanced Roleplay Toolkit), but Roads and Ruins is a sort of middle ground test bed of the various concepts using the ogl to fill the gaps.

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