Pigraven |
The Paizo pays first $10 on shipping of $100 or more deal does not seem to work for me. I just tried to purchase 3 Beginner Box Remastered Editions. It tallied up everything, and when I went to check out there was no indication on the Submit Order final checkout page (or in the price itself) that the first $10 of shipping had been applied. You might want to take a look and see if other folks are having the same problem.
Normally I buy such non-subscription products via third-party sellers because they offer other perks (like free shipping or store points). But so far I have not been able to confirm with any online retailers, including Amazon, whether the Beginner Box being advertised on the site is the Remastered version. Paizo appears to be my only guaranteed option at the moment, and it is not working as intended.