Advice for running a dragon encounter.


Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Ok, first let me say that there are tons of threads about this all over the internet. My issue is: which is best? Also, they mostly focus on D&D 5th. I've run dragon encounters before in OD&D. They were much simpler times though...

Starfinder presents the cool prospect of dragons using tech as well!

So, let me briefly tell you my Franken-campaign:
1) Began with Beginners Box. Fought Steel Talon.
2) He flies away. PCs complete the extra dungeon in beginner's Box.
3) Find evidence that Steel Talon was holding court with reps from the Corpse Fleet and the Azlanti Star Empire.
4) Proceed with First Contact Scenario, mixing in occasional Azlanti goons.
5) Now, I'm running elements of Dead Suns to get them to the Drift Rock.
6) This will lead them to the River Between and an under water volcano.
7) Steel Talon will be there. If/when PCs defeat him, they figure out this construct is an avatar of an actual dragon elsewhere in the system.
8) A few more adventures here and there.
9) PCs will face the actual dragon.

I can't tell you how much I love the Young Adult Blue Dragon from Alien Archive 1. That's what I want. A powerful, tech using dragon. But one that is not "all powerful". See, my idea is that he feels the Pact Worlds and the Starfinders are too passive and weak to withstand an upcoming Swarm invasion. He want's to help the Azlanti Empire annex Absalom Station and the Corpse Fleet to take over Eox.

I know I know...pretty insane but I always have super weird campaigns.

So, if you're still here: How can I run an interesting encounter? I want him to talk eventually, and give up at some point. After all, he is doing this for self-preservation. Thanks all!

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