Imrahil_DA's page

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber


I personally have both. I figured there would be people willing to sell their bodies for monetary gain while alive. These are all properly documented at the Eoxian Embassy of course...

I also have smugglers and gangs selling to the Corpse Fleet...I ran it just like any other contraband. But it had more gravitas and repulsion.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Ok, first let me say that there are tons of threads about this all over the internet. My issue is: which is best? Also, they mostly focus on D&D 5th. I've run dragon encounters before in OD&D. They were much simpler times though...

Starfinder presents the cool prospect of dragons using tech as well!

So, let me briefly tell you my Franken-campaign:
1) Began with Beginners Box. Fought Steel Talon.
2) He flies away. PCs complete the extra dungeon in beginner's Box.
3) Find evidence that Steel Talon was holding court with reps from the Corpse Fleet and the Azlanti Star Empire.
4) Proceed with First Contact Scenario, mixing in occasional Azlanti goons.
5) Now, I'm running elements of Dead Suns to get them to the Drift Rock.
6) This will lead them to the River Between and an under water volcano.
7) Steel Talon will be there. If/when PCs defeat him, they figure out this construct is an avatar of an actual dragon elsewhere in the system.
8) A few more adventures here and there.
9) PCs will face the actual dragon.

I can't tell you how much I love the Young Adult Blue Dragon from Alien Archive 1. That's what I want. A powerful, tech using dragon. But one that is not "all powerful". See, my idea is that he feels the Pact Worlds and the Starfinders are too passive and weak to withstand an upcoming Swarm invasion. He want's to help the Azlanti Empire annex Absalom Station and the Corpse Fleet to take over Eox.

I know I know...pretty insane but I always have super weird campaigns.

So, if you're still here: How can I run an interesting encounter? I want him to talk eventually, and give up at some point. After all, he is doing this for self-preservation. Thanks all!

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hello all,

In the various SF Scenarios, people mention the map packs or mats scenarios make use of. Are the tile packs extensive enough to produce a bunch of different encounter areas? I'm imagining yes. How about mats? I always feel they're only good for one use. Am I not thinking creatively enough?


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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thank you all for the responses.

I'm going to check out those Starfinder Society adventures and the Armory to start (If only I could find a fat cred stick and buy more).

Driftbourne wrote:
Because of the way the Drift works there's not much of a need for hexploration in space. Planet side the horizons Of The Vast get's into hexploration, but it's largely around building a colony on a distant planet.

Ok I wrote Hexcrawl but I meant Megadungeon. Sorry for the confusion. But cool to know.

I'm anxiously awaiting the rule book and check it out.

Thanks again all!

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hello all!

I've played Tabletop RPG for over 30 years and played Pathfinder a few years back and enjoyed it. After a little over a year off from gaming, my group and I tried out the Starfinder Beginner Box. Suffice to say: We fell in love right away! Loved the setting, the classes, the art, the merging of magic and tech, loved everything so far.

We played through the adventure there and I populated the extra dungeon and we finished that. We're ready to move on so I purchased the Pocket Edition of the Core Rule book and should have it soon.

My questions are:

1) Does the Core Rule book go into more detail for Absalom Station? Or, is there an AP that flushes it out more (Like Rise of the Runelords did for Sandpoint)?

2) Aside from the rule book, what else would be "must haves" or "better if you had it"? There's so many products that it's pretty overwhelming!

3) This question is going to be weird but I'll try to make sense: Can Starfinder be played as a sandbox easily? It seems geared for whatever I can dream up. Dungeon crawls in ruins or stations, spaceship fights, etc. Like, in the Beginner Box, it talks about all these forgotton levels in Absalom Station...could that be run like some sort of old school wilderness hex crawl? Or, is there more of an assumption to use official products (or, at least assume there is an official canon?)

Hope that last question makes sense.


Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Katina Davis wrote:

Hi Imrahil_DA,

Thank you for letting us know about this! I'm looking into your account, and I can't see anything that would have been preventing your order from submitting correctly. It looks like you were able to submit it on Saturday, so you should be all set now. I apologize for the confusion!

Once the order has been processed for shipment, you should receive a confirmation email to let you know that it's on the way. Just let me know if there are any further questions or concerns that you may have in the meantime, and I'll be happy to help.


Yes I did! Everything arrived today. I'm not sure what happened. BUt it seemed to work out later. Thanks for the response.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber


I have tried to place an order all day. I have put in my card info several times, my address no less than 15 times, approved shipping three times, had the order "go through" where it says an email will be sent...

Now, 5 hours later I still have nothing. Everything is still in my cart with no address info again, no activity from my bank and nothing on my Paizo account. Is there something wrong?

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
deuxhero wrote:

Crypt of the Everflame is the best beginner module, both for GM and players. It has a lot of notes for new GMs on mechanics. The rest of the trilogy is kinda meh though. Part 3 can be fixed by adding knowledge/spellcraft/whatever to identify a trap (or even just removing the trap part entirely and have all the PCs retire super wealthy at the end.). Part 2 is based entirely around the PCs doing something that's such a blatantly, obviously bad idea no player, new or veteran, would do it if the module didn't require it and basically tells the GM "make something up" if they (very rationally) don't.

Failing that, the third party Trial of the Apprentice is supposed to be pretty good for new player+GM combos. No personal experience with it though.

Thanks for the replies you two! So, I went searching for the Crypt of the Everflame and it said "This is already in your downloads". Apparently this came with that Humble Bundle. It's weird because there was a bunch of comic books and stuff that I got from one website and then like four links to Piazo which apparently gave me all the Pathfinder books.

Looking quickly at looks like a nice, old school type of dungeon. Thanks again.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber


A while back I bought a physical copy of the Beginner Box as well as a ton of PDFs on a Humble Bundle Sale. I also bought physical copy of the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path.

I have downloaded much of the free stuff for beginners and I'm nearing an end of it. I'm not exactly ready to delve into the Rise of the Runelords so I went looking ad some of the modules.

Under the clearance section there are several modules that have a price of $2 for a physical copy and an $8 price for the this correct? I will get a physical, paper module for $2?

Also, I saw a product called "Dungeon Alphabet PDF". I see it offered elsewhere as there any difference in this version or is it just a third party product available all over?

Sorry if these are silly questions.