Group looking for GM to take over an Ironfang Invasion AP


Good day folks.

Our group has only just begun with the AP, we are literally still starting to organize evacuating the town, but life prevents our GM from properly continuing with the game. Would we be lucky enough to find someone to take over?

Hello, I will express an interest here, but there’s a chance I may not be able to commit.

While I do own the books for this AP, I have never read through it. Let me take gander and see if this is one I could run successfully. Give me a few days, and feel free to ask me any questions you have.

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Thank you for the response, pinvendor.
Another GM beat you to it, though, at least for book 1.

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Glad to hear it. I saw your lonely post go without a response over the weekend, and I wanted to see what I might be able to do to help. :)

I read through Act 1 of Book 1 last night...good luck! You'll definitely need it.

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