Tiefling "invisible to undead"

Rules Questions

The tiefling variant ability "You are invisible to all unintelligent undead. This is a supernatural ability" sounds like it is either

A) Works like 2nd level invisibility. It goes away when you attack the undead creature.

B) Works like greater invisibility. Doesn't go away when you attack.

C) Works like Hide From Undead. Includes all senses, not just sight, but goes away if you attack.

D) Works like Natural Invisibility. Glitterdust works but not Invisibility Purge.

E) Something else

Which is it?

Since it is not specified to act as either a spell or an existing ability, I think this is firmly in GM territory.

I would probably rule it like B or D, unintelligent undead simply cannot see the tiefling. Other senses would work as usual, and I would probably just use concealment rules for controlled undead being directed against the tiefling by a creature that can see.

If that seems too strong (free sneak attacks or channel energy during a zombie apocalypse?), I might instead use A, loses invisibility but just for the undead attacked.

That table has so many crazy abilities to abuse.

The Exchange

I'd go with D. Any form of "breaks on attack" could be a total pain on tracking which undead the tiefling is visible or invisible to. Since Natural Invisibility can be a supernatural ability, that's the closest analogue.

(Yeah, that table is. . . unbalanced. There's a huge difference between "can hold breath for 3 rounds longer than normal" and "+2 racial bonus to Charisma.")

Liberty's Edge

I would treat it as C. With the caveat that when it breaks because you attack one of the unintelligent undead it becomes inactive for 1 minute.

As there aren't clear information, it is a matter of taste on the GM's part. I prefer to think of it as an "I am one of you." mental broadcast.
A Jedi trick.

RAW there is nothing saying that invisibility is broken by attacking. That comes from the spell Invisibility. In a lot of cases the ability to become invisible states it works like the spell. In some cases it may not specificly state the spell, but has wording like As per Invisibility or something similar. That can be taken as referencing the spell. This ability simply states the Tiefling is invisible to unintelligent undead. Different GM’s may rule differently, but at that point it is a house rule.

If you look in the combat section of the core rule book under invisibility it does not mention attacking breaking invisibility. There may be a FAQ about this that I am not aware of, but RAW B is correct. Anything that negates invisibility will also be able to negate this ability. So both glitterdust Invisibility Purge will work.

I would assume its meant to follow the same rules as "hide from undead" because that's that's the most fitting reference for something that works only against undead.

Note that mindless undead don't necessarily attack something that's still glitterdusted that they can't otherwise perceive. Certainly there isn't a consensus on all the zombie media if they attack just humans, wild animals, anything that moves and makes noise that isn't them.

@AwesomeDog What you are saying is reasonable, but RAW that is not what the ability does. If this was the advice forum and the poster was asking how I think it should work, I might agree with you. The ability grants the invisible condition against undead. Invisible is a clearly defined game term. Since the ability only affects the Tiefling the arguments about unintelligent undead attacking other targets besides humans or humanoid is not relevant to this ability.

I mean there is no RAW here, its a one line slap in the middle of a "gm fiat for you to even be able to take this, let alone with a 1:99 chance if you roll" table. Everyone here is giving RAI. Even if you want to argue it mimics the spell, the text in the book isn't italicized to indicate the spell, it just vaguely implies the effects of invisibility the rule, not the spell.

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I would say it works like C.

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