Would like to buy the PDF of the Core series, but cannot, and it's made me think...

Paizo General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

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I would like to purchase the Player Core and the GM Core from the Paizo store. I have repeatedly put the items in the cart, verified the purchase method, and submitted the order. There's a timer for the cursor and nothing. I tried different browsers but got the same result.

I submitted a ticket via email. There's been no reply.

I checked the forums, and I'm not sure I'll be getting any indication from Paizo that I can purchase the items or what the problem is.

Other than launching an SOS into the email void, it seems impossible to contact the company.

Since I don't seem to be the only one having an issue with purchases, I wonder how long before there are other issues with the company appear. If Paizo isn't interested in taking money or fulfilling subscriptions it follows that there are already serious issues.

I've noticed that there is little interest/allowance in 3rd party support for PF 2e. That doesn't seem to be a good sign. Archives of Nethys isn't being updated. That doesn't seem to be a good sign.

Is something going wrong, or has it already gone wrong?
Is the juggernaut simply rolling on, about to crash?

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
KingsTears wrote:

Is something going wrong, or has it already gone wrong?
Is the juggernaut simply rolling on, about to crash?

Subscriber since 2007. The sky is not falling. Paizo is periodically hit with these issues especially when staffing changes are happening or big order pushes.

As for Archives of Nethys, see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/191x8f5/archives_of_nethys_u pdate/

Most traffic these days is on Reddit/Discord PF2e and other social platforms rather than these aging forums.

As for 3PP support, who do you mean? What evidence do you see? With the rise of Infinities that seems to be where the energy is directed for 3PP.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I made a purchase yesterday, so it's not a problem with their payment processing entirely.

My subscription last month was fulfilled as expected, so they're not avoiding that either.

3PP Support: Legendary Games and Battlezoo regularly put out 2E products. Pathfinder Infinite gets new products weekly. There's plenty of 3PP support if you know where to look.

Nethys is volunteer run, and working through *massive* changes from the Remaster.

Liberty's Edge

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I do not lack confidence in the PF 2e community, but my confidence in Paizo is waning this week. Not being able to make purchases from them directly nor interactively contact them is not confidence-inspiring.

I do not troll through Reddit regularly, and even there it is noted that the Pathfinder Discords are Reddit community social outlets and not official Paizo platforms.

Thanks for the link to the AoN info routed through Reddit to the AoN Patreon update. I'd looked at AoN itself, which seems foolish. But to be fair to them, and to a large degree Paizo itself, it is an awesome resource, and well appreciated. This is why it not being updated is a terrible specter.

Pathfinder Infinite is the only place that I'm seeing PF 2e compatible products. There's a fair amount of system-agnostic stuff on other TTRPG product sites, but in game systems past there seemed to be a lot more PF-compatible monsters and magic. Given the work to bring them into working order for our crunchy system, it makes sense that there's less material. But, it doesn't feel great, especially when you play with TTRPGers that enjoy 5e, DCDM, or Kobold Press. Given the way things are going, that trend to exclude PF 2e rules will continue hard.

So, I turned to the company actually making the products that I am, and would like to continue to, enjoy. Only to find that they've effectively turned off their customer service. Again, it doesn't feel good.

Liberty's Edge

Cori Marie wrote:
I made a purchase yesterday, so it's not a problem with their payment processing entirely...

Thanks for the positive feedback/info. It's good to know that some things are going right and that my current experience is not in the main.

We'll see how things pan out.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

They didn't effectively turn off their customer service, they streamlined the methods in which to contact customer service (they did this approximately two years ago now, its not new). The only way to contact Paizo Customer Service is through email. They are currently experiencing a long response time because of a plethora of issues that have arisen. That does not mean they're ignoring you, it means that they are working as fast as they can to address everyone's issues.

Horizon Hunters

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Did you try cleaning your cache thats worked for me in the past.

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Don't worry; there is no impending disaster. This website is just really bad, and has been for more than a decade. (Also, it is perennially going to be fixed "soon.")

You just kinda have to learn to live with the jank. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

My experience with customer service is that they're running about two weeks behind at the moment, based on the time it took from email to resolution with the buggy digital subscription issues.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
KingsTears wrote:

I do not lack confidence in the PF 2e community, but my confidence in Paizo is waning this week. Not being able to make purchases from them directly nor interactively contact them is not confidence-inspiring.

That's fair and I wasn't trying to dismiss your concerns. It is frustrating when you only have a single vector of support contact AND you go days, or weeks, without a reply back.

My subs are on hold because I was traveling. They have yet to reply to turn them back on and I can't make physical purchases as I prefer to bundle my orders with my subs.

They are in a hiring phase both for the warehouse and e-commerce manager. As well as CSR replacement. I imagine that is having a bit of an impact as well.

But people are stating Feb subs are authorizing so someone is working LOL

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