Feat Ideas


So I'm playing an Inquisitor of Norgorber with the Sanctified Slayer and Infiltrator archetypes and am currently level 6. My overall layout looks like this Half Elf Inquisitor 6
Str 13
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 9
Feats: 1- Exotic W.P Elven Curved Blade (from Half Elf racial trait) Weapon Finesse
3- Power Attack Precise Strike
5- Accomplished Sneak Attacker (subject to change)

I know the Elven curved blade isn't the best weapon in the world but I thought it would be fun to use and at this point it does have the agile enchantment so it's dex to hit and damage. I've thought about getting Norgorbers Divine Fighting Technique but any other ideas would be appreciated!

Unfortunately, DFT Norgorber's Silent Shiv doesn't work with elven curve blade. At least the initial benefit, the advanced benefit doesn't care about weapon.

Which domain/inquisition did you take? Clandestine is good

Use sneak attack against concealment

Deific Obedience and Diverse Obedience if you want to play up the devout side of murder worship

You may also want the take the improved feint line of feats, can get some with slayer talents ranger combat style (deceptive).

I grok do u wrote:

Unfortunately, DFT Norgorber's Silent Shiv doesn't work with elven curve blade. At least the initial benefit, the advanced benefit doesn't care about weapon.

Which domain/inquisition did you take? Clandestine is good

Use sneak attack against concealment

Deific Obedience and Diverse Obedience if you want to play up the devout side of murder worship

You may also want the take the improved feint line of feats, can get some with slayer talents ranger combat style (deceptive).

Thanks for the advice! Yeah I was mainly thinking about the DFT for the level 10 benefit. I took the trickery(deception) domain for the ability to teleport into better positioning. I did recently learn about the evangelist prestige class which I would need deific obedience for and a feat called shadows shroud that would allow me to Stealth in broad daylight.

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