Need help with ideas for legendary weapons and equipment

Homebrew and House Rules

So I'm in an irl long term game, i made a crafting wizard

At the beginning of the campaign the gm and i discussed my wizard making legendary weapons and stuff

I have some ideas, but I'm one man and looking for some good combinations for enchantments and such

Right now i have a

Longspear I'm calling Beast King which is being made from Hydra fangs, a Hamatula Barb and Dragon bone. The theme of this weapon is essentially i made it large sized and gave it the impact enchantment. Understandably i have some room left to work with to make it a worthy plus 5 weapon

The second i have is an elven curved sword Verdant Moon crafted purely from dragon bone, i want to put keen on it buts thats all i have as idea.

To start with the obvious, what is in the name? Beast King would imply power over beasts, perhaps it could grant something like Dominate animal? Also sense it is made from the bits of magic beasts, consider what abilities that the creatures had in life and what could transfer over do to residual magic.

Verdant Moon
Verdant: Green with vegetation; covered with green growth
Plant powers, some moon themed spells? I am drawing a bit of a blank on this one to be frank.

Lord of Conflict wrote:

To start with the obvious, what is in the name? Beast King would imply power over beasts, perhaps it could grant something like Dominate animal? Also sense it is made from the bits of magic beasts, consider what abilities that the creatures had in life and what could transfer over do to residual magic.

Verdant Moon
Verdant: Green with vegetation; covered with green growth
Plant powers, some moon themed spells? I am drawing a bit of a blank on this one to be frank.

Verdant Moon was made primarily for an elf NPC we had, the moon part just sounded cool to me. But there is a Moon based dragon diety whose cold aligned

Beast king however, Thats a good idea. Some kind of mind power...

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Archae wrote:
an elven curved sword Verdant Moon crafted purely from dragon bone,
Archae wrote:
Verdant Moon was made primarily for an elf NPC we had

In Bestiary 4 PG 66-67 there is something called a Lunar Dragon, maybe the Dragon Bone used for the blade came from such a dragon and said dragon was famous for something? That would make the name "Verdant Moon" is less a description of what it can do, and more a relic from a historical event/individual. Using that train of thought maybe the sword grants the ability to cast Form of the Alien Dragon from Source Legacy of Dragons pg. 29 Lunar Dragons only?

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in our old game, we had "Hermes' Infinite Bag" (a bag of holding with an infinite sized space inside) and "The Pen of Xerox" (a magic pen that would copy scrolls for you, so it didn't cost you any downtime).

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An intelligent gladius with a built in poison reservoir and magic that enhances poison. Its one and only desire is to envenom foes in combat.

Hw does that sound for an item?

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Lord of Conflict wrote:

An intelligent gladius with a built in poison reservoir and magic that enhances poison. Its one and only desire is to envenom foes in combat.

Hw does that sound for an item?

That's hilariously cool and I'm stealing it

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