Angel's of the Drift #5

Third-Party Starfinder Products

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hi, i had a question about the Adventure Toolbox featured in this comic, one of the Precog Anomalies seems to have the wrong range listed

Angels of the Drift #5 pg. 29 wrote:

Glimpse Eternity (Su)

You cherry pick the perfect result after glimpsing all possibilities. Anytime a d20 is rolled, you can use a paradox as a reaction to add +2 or -2 to the result after the result is revealed, changing the outcome accordingly. If you give the roll a bonus, increase it to +3 if the used paradox has a recorded result of 14 to 17, or +4 if it has a result of 18 or higher. If you give the roll a penalty, increase it to -3 if the used paradox has a recorded result of 4-7 or -4 if it has a result of 6 or lower. Once you activate this ability, you can't do so again until you have rested 10 minutes to regain Stamina Points.

by my thinking, that last line should be 4-7 and 3 or lower, instead of 6 and lower. currently if the paradox is a 4/5/6 then it's getting the higher -4


Agree that seems to be an error and your reading is the correct one.

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