Hexploration without the players seeing the map

Kingmaker Second Edition

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Hello! I am preparing to run Kingmaker!

Of the various modifications I'll be doing, I was thinking that it'd be fun to give my players some blank hex graph paper and let them actually map the Stolen Lands themselves, while I follow along with the map in the book and tell them what they find in each hex. Essentially it'll end up with the players having created their own map of the Stolen Lands, including the dark spots that they didn't ever explore.

To folks who have run the campaign: Do you foresee any complications with this?


When I was a player for the 1E version, our GM did this. It was very cool. I do have a couple suggestions:

1) Make sure the hex graph paper is big enough for the entire map on one sheet.
2) Fill in the location of Brevoy and the road leading to Oleg's in advance. It would make more sense that they would easily be able to know where those destinations are.

Liberty's Edge

That’s how I ran 1E and I honestly liked what we wound up with more than I like a professional map with tags added.

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