Advanced versatile (martial) performance

Rules Questions

Can someone clarify this character option from Blood of the Beast for me? What feats does this exactly give me access too? I gave this to a lvl 11 skald with the Oratory versatile performance, does he qualify for Weapon Specialization now?

Martial Performance (Ex): The bard chooses one weapon belonging to a fighter weapon group that is associated with a Perform skill he has selected with versatile performance (see below). He gains proficiency with this weapon. If the bard is already proficient with this weapon or later becomes proficient with it, he gains Weapon Focus with that weapon as a bonus feat instead. In addition, the bard’s effective fighter level is equal to 1/2 his bard level for the purpose of qualifying for feats that specifically select weapons from those Perform skills’ associated fighter weapon groups. The types of Perform skills and their associated fighter weapon groups are: Act (close, double), Comedy (flails, thrown), Dance (monk, spears), Keyboard Instruments (hammers, siege engines), Oratory (heavy blades, light blades), Percussion (close, hammers), Sing (close, natural), String (axes, bows), and Wind (monk, thrown).

You gain proficiency or weapon focus in one heavy or light blade. You also qualify for combat feats as if you were a 5th level fighter. If you still have weapon focus in a heavy or light blade and a remaining feat, you can use it for weapon specialization in that blade. If you do not have weapon focus in an appropriate blade you need that before you can take weapons specialization. The ability does not remove the need to meet the other prerequisites of a feat.

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