Asteroids and space obstacles

Playtest General Discussion


Unfortunately, Paizo stopped making pawns, one set that would help a lot with ship combat would be a set of asteroids and space obstacles. Anyone who plays Star Wars Armada or X-wing likely has asteroids and space obstacles they can use. If you don't, there's no need to buy the full game you can get a cheap expansion pack that's is mostly just asteroids and space obstacles.

Star Wars X-Wing Never Tell Me The Odds Obstacles Pack .

Obstacles Pack image .

This brings up the question there will be any pawns for SF2e? Even if they are limited to special situations. Maybe space obstacles could come with a space flip mat. Also, The beginner's boxes had pawns, will that continue in SF2e?

NOTE: Although the Star Wars obstacles are useful there's a lot more that could be made for obstacles for Starfinder.

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