1" = 30 ft maps

Playtest General Discussion


I got curious how a standard starship that fills up a normal 24x30" flip map where 1 square = 5 ft would fit on a 24x30" map using 30 ft squares. So a ship that size would take up 4x5 30 ft squares.

Even if all you do is land your ship on the map, leave the ship, and fight outside of it. Having your ship/home on a combat map will likely make the players feel more connected to it, or at least have some motive to protect it.

A 30 ft square map is also great for making ranged combat matter, mech, and vehicle combat.

A 3 encounter scenario could start with ship combat to get someplace. Use a 30 ft square map when you land, and have to find and fight your way to the final fight. Then use a 5 ft square map for the final fight. Not every scenario would have to be like that but it's a nice option to have.

Something like that could cover all the combat subsystems in 3 encounters. Hope we see something like that in the playtest.

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