Nephilim lineages

Rules Discussion

Has there been any clarification or errata about how the new nephilim heritage interacts with feats from books not covered by the remaster that have either the tiefling or aasimar trait? I know there has been some compatibility errata for some of the core books but I was unable to find anything about nephilim. For example in the Lost Omens Ancestry Guide there are a plethora of feats for tieflings and aasimar. Are these feats now inaccessible for characters using the new nephilim heritage or is it assumed that nephilim can take feats with either the teifling or aasimar trait as long as it's not a feat that was replaced or revised by the remaster?
For a concrete example, I have an aasimar idyllkin who has the halo and healer's halo feats. If I want to update this character to use the remaster rules would I have to give up on idylkin and healer's halo? Or can I take nephilim heritage and the remaster halo feat and have those two choices qualify for idyllkin lineage and healer's halo feats?

Ancestry Guide doesn't currently have compatibility errata.

If this is for PFS, the non-replaced feats are still usable. Though it is not entirely clear if Nephilim counts as Aasimar or not to qualify for the feats - but saying that it is not seems a questionable ruling at best.

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The Additional Resources: Character Options page has this covered for Pathfinder Society:

Player Core Clarifications wrote:
The nephilim trait is interchangeable with either the aasimar or tiefling trait and vice versa, but aasimar characters may not treat that trait as interchangeable with the tiefling trait (or vice versa).

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