Thermal Remedy from rage of Elements and Alchemical Food.

Rules Discussion

So recently I have been building a chef themed character and i was to be reading the details of the Thermal Remedy Spell from Rage of Elements which states the Following


Concentrate, Fire, manipulate

Traditions: Arcane, Divine, Primal

cast: 1 minute

Range: Touch Targets: up to 1 gallon of non-magical liquid or up to 5 pounds of food

Duration: 1 hour

You adjust the delicate levels of bitter ingredients in food and drink to draw out their full restorative and fortifying properties. Choose one of the benefits listed below. Any creature that consumes the targeted drink or food gains that benefit. Up to 10 creatures can partake in the meal, and a creature gets no extra benefit for consuming more than one portion.

• Gain 5 temporary Hit Points.

• Gain resistance 2 to fire.

• Gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saves against disease.

what particularly intrigued me was the targets section of the spell, and how instead of stating that both the food and the liquid had to be nonmagical, it instead only said the liquid had to be. This leads me to believe that this spell, could be cast on magical food, such as the various items form the grand bazaar's The Mask and Moon, or any of the alchemical foods from treasure vault, while this spell isn't all that powerfull, and most non-drink alchemical foods are also unspectacular, I think this might be a compelling combo if you pair the items together. however I want to make sure this praticular combination is acctually RAI and not just RAW

Liberty's Edge

The non-magical descriptor applies to both.

Much like how you could say "I can choose to wear my Carhart Jacket or Coat" and you'd know that both the jacket and coat are Carhart branded.

Seconded. The wording is awkward to write and the author that wrote it didn't want to take up the space and make the wording even more awkward by duplicating the 'non-magical' designation.

But RAI is almost certainly going to be that you can't stack magical effects onto the same item that you can then consume at once.

I'm not entirely sure why that becomes important. Eating meals would be exploration mode in the first place - where time isn't tracked down to the action/second anyway.

Thanks for your Input, as for why it's important is because of item bulk. I don't want to carry around 10 rations and 10 of whatever alchemical food i've made when i can just carry the alchemical food. especially with how heavy rations are. I'm less concerned with how long it takes than with how much i have to carry.

And it makes sense that the non magical would apply to both. It wasn't so much the OR that threw me off as the "Up to" Being repeated. for instance i would understand it meant that if it said

Up to 1 gallon of non-magical liquid or 5 pounds of food
as apposed to
up to 1 gallon of non-magical liquid or up to 5 pounds of food

The repeat of "up to" is what threw me off and made me believe it was a deferent statement.

Ah. Yeah, at that point is when you work something out with the GM to make the character concept work in a reasonable way.

At the end of the day, the point is to have a fun experience with the story telling. But what that looks like may be different to each group.

So if tracking bulk and rations and such is enjoyable, do that. If not, then don't track it. Maybe houserule that you can combine effects onto the same piece of food. Or don't if that ends up being more fun.

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someone just brought it to my attention that alchemical items are not magical. as per the core rulebook Version 4.0 for 2nd edition. on page 543

Alchemical items are not magical. They instead use the properties of volatile chemicals, exotic minerals, potent plants, and other substances, collectively referred to as alchemical reagents. As such, alchemical items don’t radiate magical auras, and they can’t be dismissed or affected by dispel magic. Their effects last for a set amount of time or until they are countered in some way, typically physically.

So the spell would in fact work with the alchemical food AND drink from both the Treasure vault and grand bazaar, as those items have the alchemical trait and not the magical trait.

breithauptclan wrote:

Ah. Yeah, at that point is when you work something out with the GM to make the character concept work in a reasonable way.

At the end of the day, the point is to have a fun experience with the story telling. But what that looks like may be different to each group.

So if tracking bulk and rations and such is enjoyable, do that. If not, then don't track it. Maybe houserule that you can combine effects onto the same piece of food. Or don't if that ends up being more fun.

Unfotunately This is a Character for society play, i have to play by the rules if i want to report my sessions, i'm fairly sure everyone at my table would do away with bulk if we could

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