Specialized uses of Resolve Points from Starfinder Enhanced.

Playtest General Discussion


I realize we will be losing resolve points in SF2e being replaced with hero points. I haven't been following the PF2e remaster too closely or if having different uses for hero points in SF2e would fall under meta vs core rules, but I really like the new Specialized uses of Resolve Points from Starfinder Enhanced.

"Specialized uses include new ways to use your Resolve Points.
These are split into four categories: defensive, offensive,
transport, and utility. As part of your daily preparations,
you can select one new way to use your Resolve Points per
category. Each specialized use that a character with Resolve
Points selects can be used once per day."

I really like how this lets you prepare for a mission, and spend resolve points to help with that mission feels better to me, than just getting a reroll to try to counter any bad die roll. I hope something like this makes it to SF2e. It would be fun to have in PF2e as as well.

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