Augment and feat for Evolutionnist


As in the title i'm going to play an evolutionnist, i planned to play as a melee vital to deal dmg and tank a little.

For the augment i have no idea what to pick for early level :/, people dont seems to like this class since i cant find a lot of build idea or tips.

At Mid level i know that Early Stage Adaptation Graft is a good for the double STR to dmg but for this one augment i wonder does it count as a Prerequisites for Adaptive Resistance?

For the feat i have some idea :
- Weapon Focus for accuracy
- Enhanced Resistance for tanking a bit more
- Iron will cause evolutionnist(vital) will save sucks

But i didnt played enough starfinder to know what kind of feat would be good for this class.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

For a melee vital evolutionist, you can think about feats the increase your melee presence; I like things like Mobility and Spring Attack to let you move around more. Same deal for augmentations - speed suspensions and wings for more mobility, or glass skin for some sneakiness. Other ideas are, like you suggest, to offset the Will weakness that the Vital niche imposes, so you could think about Iron Will and Improved Iron Will, or augmentations that help with that low Will save, like a backup lobe, emotion enhancements, or countermeasures. Happy evolving!

If you're interested at checking out another build, I put my take on Kyyduh, the iconic evolutionist, up for free on Starfinder Infinite - check it out!

The rules on species grafts specifically calls out that they do count for prerequisites, so yes you're good to go with that feat for the Early Stage Adaptation graft! One thing to note, though: Early Stage Adaption is good, but it's also a very decision-heavy option: what option do you take, how long is the cooldown this time, did I do that on round 2 or was it round 3 again, etc. Just be aware that is has a tendency to sloooow down play, in my experience.

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