What about kurgess like exemplars that fight with javelins or thowing knifes

Exemplar Class Discussion

Horizon Hunters

First I thought that I can build a kurgess like exemplar with the fated shot weapon ikon. But rules as written the transcend ability says that "you fire a projectile ... with your weapon ikon". So there is no room for thrown weapons.

Scarab Sages

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My friend made a throwing knives exemplar and it worked really well. He used Gleaming blade, which allows for 'strikes' not ranged attacks, so he was able to use that ability at range or in melee. By using fling at the horizon he was able to increase the thrown distance to 30 feet. Just make sure to have returning on your daggers!

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I know that it's already been mentioned that for the purposes of a melee weapon with the thrown trait, it counts as a ranged weapon when making a ranged attack, so I could see argument that you could use, say, a starknife as a fated shot ikon, but it only works when throwing it; in a similar way you can use a bastard sword for feats that require a two handed weapon while your are two handing it.

That said, it looks like you're also reading flavor text as rules; the ability itself does not limit you to "ranged weapons that use ammunition"; the ability works just fine for "throw a dagger into the sky to make it rain tons of daggers". A lot of people make this mistake with the inorexible iron magus, where they saw the flavor text mention a few specific weapons as an example of what your armory might look like, but interpreted as "you can only use these weapons"

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