Nephelim |

There is a passage on pg90 of GoLS defining the different way in which Companion and Familiar-type Vestigial Bond "pets" do skill levels, and it desperately needs an example or explanation:
In addition, vestigial companions that function as animal companions, eidolons, or cohorts doesn’t gain skill ranks like standard creatures do; instead, they possess a number of skill ranks equal to their character level in a number of skills equal to its number of skill ranks per level (based upon its creature type or class level) plus its Intelligence modifier
Animal companions have a -4 Intelligence Modifier, so does that mean that a Spirit that provides an Animal companion (as a Druid) has no skills until 5th level, when the Druid's Companion would have 5 skill points, at which point, the Pactmaker's Companion would have 1 skill with 5 ranks in it?
As an example, a second level Pactmaker with Sevnoir can have a Dog animal companion, as though they were a L2 Druid. Would this companion have:
- 2 (druid level) ranks in 3 (the number of Skill Ranks in the animal companion table at L2) skills with a -4 (int mod) on each of their final values
- 2 (druid level) ranks of skill in 0 (the 3 skills in the table -4 from the Int mod) skills
- 2 (druid level) ranks in (2+IntMod, min 1 -- the per HD skills for the Animal type) skills (with an Int Mod penalty on it?)
As a (semi-) related question, the Binder Secret "Spirit Imp Familiar" says that you gain a Spirit Imp as though they were a wizard, which would grant it the Share Spells ability (which is useless because Pactmakers don't cast spells), but if a Bound Spirit grants a familiar as a Vestigial Bond, THAT familiar also would have Share Granted Abilities. Does a Spirit Imp Familiar (via the Binder Secret) get that or not, since it is not being provided by a pact?