Archiving PbP posts

Online Campaigns General Discussion

Due to the recent announcement of new forums, a question has formed in my head. Although I trust the Paizo team to try to save past PbPs in a forum migration, there are many many ways the software could betray them. My PbPs are likely to be my only successful writing enterprise, and one stretches back to 2008. I’d like to take out some insurance against their possible accidental disappearance.

Does anyone know of a bulk downloading system where one could save a PbP in its entirety separate and archived? It would make me feel better if I had command and control over them, and had options for links and such like I do with my maps in google photos

I have attempted this previously using, but their method is cumbersome and I would prefer a bulk download/archive method so I’m
Not investing a ton of time in the project.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Oladon is working on it--see HERE.

John Woodford wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Oladon is working on it--see HERE.

Thank you!

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