An Age of Ashes novelization: My first foray into Pathfinder Infinite

Age of Ashes

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Hi everyone!

I posted in these forums years ago when I was GMing an Age of Ashes campaign from 1-20 with my IRL gaming group. I've also done some short-form fiction publishing for Paizo in the past few years.

Combine those two interests and it's been niggling in the back of mind to write some Paizo fiction of my own for Pathfinder Infinite. I talked to Mark Moreland about my idea, and he was very encouraging (thank you Mark!) to pursue of a novelization of Age of Ashes.

I just dropped Volume 1, which essentially details Level 1 of the AP:
The Council's Chosen.

Here's hoping some of you enjoy it, and (gentle) feedback always welcome :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Is it correct that each volume will cover one character level, for twenty volumes ultimately? Will each be roughly the same length (107 pages)?

Fumarole wrote:
Is it correct that each volume will cover one character level, for twenty volumes ultimately? Will each be roughly the same length (107 pages)?

The idea is, yes, each volume will be one level for the PCs. I don't know that I'll make it through 20 volumes... In my head, I'm committing to Hellknight Hill for sure and then I'll pause for breath and see. I MAAAAYYYY make it through 2000 pages of writing, though (he says, nervously laughing).

And here is Volume 2, which details the PCs adventures through Level 2 of the AP:
The Citadel Below

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