Green Hell

Video Games

So my friend got me this game while it was on sale so that I could play with him. Basic idea is you are in the Amazon Rain forest and you are trying not to die. So far our best effort is 8 days.

Green hell is a "learn from failure" game.
Figure out what killed you and try and work out how to stop it from happening again.
There is what looks like a nice base building aspect to it as well but we have yet to live long enough to really give it a go.

Balance your food, stay hydrated, check your body for leeches, watch for infected wounds, don't sleep on the ground cause worms will burrow into your flesh, Jaguars will eat you and the natives don't like you. Centipedes are super poisonous

Should you go insane try not to murder your friend

So if you are into that sort of thing, good game

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