jasonfahy |

So I'm going to be playing in an AoA campaign soon, and I'm the group's miniature painter. If I were the GM I'd read ahead and compile a list of important, or visually cool, characters (allies or adversaries) to prep miniatures for.
Would anybody be up for giving me 1-2 short descriptions per chapter, that I could use as a rough painting guide? Something like "Hellknight with a 2-handed axe", "three martial tieflings all with different weapons", or whatever? It'd be cool to have "just the thing" ready when the GM's setting up those encounters. :) TIA.

Quentin Coldwater |
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Spoilers for potential NPCs/enemies/interesting monsters (certainly not all of them, just several notable ones), obviously. List is randomised so you don't meet them in chronological order, but will contain physical descriptions. Be warned if you're sensitive to that stuff. These are the first three books:
A few undead bears.
Two pretty brown-skinned elven women, diplomat-types. They wear uncut gems as jewelry. One in a green robe/dress, one in a blue robe/dress.
Several dwarves with manacles and a flail. Definitely thugs of some kind.
A skeletal Hellknight. Red cape, red-accented pauldrons, halberd.
Two monkey-like humanoids, wearing a horned skull as a helmet, with a big savage-looking longsword. Also has a dragon-like tail. Leather armour with bone accents.
Two peacocks with sharp feathers.
A panther-humanoid in robes.
Five-ish (not going to give exact numbers, but at least several) baboon-like warriors with a trident and hide armour, accented with red leaves.
Five-ish (not going to give exact numbers, but at least several) baboon-like warriors with hatchets and daggers. Definitely less impressive than the ones above.
A beaten up red-headed halfling man with thick long sideburns.
Brown-skinned elven man with a longbow in colourful mosaic-like splint mail. Long corn-row hair down his back. Sides of his head are shaven.
Humanoid monkey, hatchet in one hand, big red and gold clawed gauntlet in the other. Gauntlet is slightly smoky.
Goblin scholar/diplomat-type, carrying books.
A gnoll with a blind eye and a scar across it, wielding a flaming bow, scimitar at her side. Black and red leather armour.
Black-skinned woman with white hair, curling ram's horns, large claws and teeth.
Crocodile-like monster, light blue-ish body, with a red ridge on its back and down its legs. Large size.
Brown-skinned man, completely hairless, wearing a deep orange/red toga and slightly lighter red wings. Eyes glow deep yellow-orange.
Large wolf-like creature standing on its hind legs, with a bat face and bat ears, carrying a staff with a skull on it.
Female hobgoblin, rogue/bandit type. Grey skin, brown clothes, hood and cloak, dagger and rapier, eyepatch on left eye.
A female halfling servant.
Large red dragon with a metal spike sticking out of its chest. The wound is bleeding gold.
Blue water-dragon humanoid. Has a long tail. Looks like a spellcaster, but can definitely also participate in melee. Lightly armoured. Definitely more agile-looking than bulky or strong.
Man in noble outfit, heavily balding, combover, short blond beard.
Two half-elven women in a blue leather outfit, with a longbow.
Five-ish (not going to give exact numbers, but at least several) big frog-like humanoids with clubs, javelins, and studded leather armour.
Five-ish (not going to give exact numbers, but at least several) big frog-like humanoids with morningstars and slings. Definitely more agile than the ones above.
Five-ish (not going to give exact numbers, but at least several) big frog-like humanoids with staves. Definitely more spellcaster types.
Tortoise-like monster. Not exactly a turtle shell, but definitely a thick bulbous back with spikes all over it. Clawed paws, no flippers. Dirty yellow colour, covered in algae. Large size.
Human man with short brown hair that's combed back, eyepatch on his right eye, greatclub, chain shirt, and manacles.
Tanned human man with a spellbook and a morningstar. Wears fancy wizard robes. Long neat brown hair and a well-kept beard (several inches long, but no crazy Dumbledore-style beard).
Three bat-like humanoids. No clothing or armour.
Large-sized purple-skinned woman dressed in rags, long nails and pointy teeth, ratty black hair.
Hellknight with greatsword (though his art weirdly uses a polearm of some kind). Male, short brown hair, red side-cape/accents on his pauldrons.
Typical jungle explorer type guy. Green outfit, big mustache, dark blond hair, big blunderbuss, monocle.
A vulture-humanoid in robes.
Three or four savage-looking boars, medium-sized, wearing chains and covered in blood and scars.
Fancy noble-looking woman wearing a veil and expensive clothes. Not ostentatious-looking, but clearly well off.
Two kobolds, one red, one green.
Medium-sized spider-like creature. Three eyes, four normal spider legs, four legs coming from its back. Like, you could turn it upside down and it could still move. It basically has two bellies and no back. Long tongue.
Pale-skinned, almost grey man wearing a cloak. Very generic-looking, except for the ring piercing through his lower lip. Short brown hair.
Human man in military-looking outfit with a mace and several dagger on his side. Short blond hair, balding, small mustache and goatee.
Five-ish bald women, rogue/alchemist-types.
Two large-sized weird crocodile-looking things. Crocodillian upper body, with curling ram's horns. Instead of hind legs it's a long tail, and two tentacles ending in mouths.
A large undead humanoid with a staff with a skull on top of it. Has a fur-trimmed cloak.
Two identical spectral male undead with burning maces. Look to be heavily armoured and wearing tattered noble's robes.
Kobold alchemist-type. Grey-blueish skin, wielding a flaming staff.
Stern-looking elven woman, platinum blond hair in a high ponytail, black and green outfit, green lipstick.
Large-sized grey-blue-skinned woman with long red hair, dressed in brown rags.
Two humanoids with red skin, dragon wings, tail, baboon face, and short spikes down his neck and upper back.
Brown-skinned half-elven woman. Short dreadlocks (shoulder-length), green skirt, green top, several rows of wooden protection (like this guy's shoulder thing), don't know what they're called) across the chest and on her crotch and sides of her upper legs. One arm seems to be made of woven wooden branches. Other arm carries a staff topped with a jaguar icon.
Halfling with a dagger and a torch, shortbow on his back. Brown hair, short beard (no mustache).
Happy, peppy-looking halfling woman. Short blond hair, looks ready for combat, brown leather outfit with green accents, longsword.
Grey-skinned woman in a tattered orange dress with blue accents. Black hair, with several braided ponytails.
An orangutang in a fancy dress (blue and red, gold accents) smoking a pipe.
Fancy elven woman in a long purple dress (or a short practical dress with red pants underneath). Long red hair. Very regal-looking.
A female halfling with a leather apron. Long blond hair. Wields a hoe. Could be a farmer.
Brown-skinned elven man with wild dreadlocks and a longbow, in a green outfit.

jasonfahy |

Spoilers for potential NPCs/enemies/interesting monsters (certainly not all of them, just several notable ones), obviously. List is randomised so you don't meet them in chronological order, but will contain physical descriptions. Be warned if you're sensitive to that stuff. These are the first three books:
Holy smokes - thank you! I either didn't get, or didn't notice, a notification that you answered this and slightly forgot about it, but it looks like you really put time in. Much appreciated. <3