Question about Tiles and Flip Mats

General Discussion

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hello all,

In the various SF Scenarios, people mention the map packs or mats scenarios make use of. Are the tile packs extensive enough to produce a bunch of different encounter areas? I'm imagining yes. How about mats? I always feel they're only good for one use. Am I not thinking creatively enough?


Imrahil_DA wrote:

Hello all,

In the various SF Scenarios, people mention the map packs or mats scenarios make use of. Are the tile packs extensive enough to produce a bunch of different encounter areas? I'm imagining yes. How about mats? I always feel they're only good for one use. Am I not thinking creatively enough?


The tile packs can produce a number of interesting patterns but they're not enough to recreate every particular pattern.

So if you just want a random adventure and slap down some tiles you're good. If you're playing a particular adventure and want to recreate a map either exactly or even close enough for state work, tiles are unlikely to work.

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