Career Change and Crafted Items

Pathfinder Society

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

How are crafted items dealt with in the Career Change boon?

Do you retain them?
Are they removed just as with all purchased items?
If they are removed and I would like the same item back, am I then required to spend the time to craft them again?

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

Good question.

No, you do not retain them:
I think items you have crafted MUST be included in the "remove items you have purchased" because otherwise you could effectively double your wealth: Craft everything yourself by spending half of the item value in GP during 4 days, then finish off by paying the difference, effectively purchasing the item at full price - but if crafting wasn't considered "purchasing" for this context, you'd get 85% of your money back while keeping the item (if you get to retain it), and that is definitely not the intent.

The rebuild boon Career Change does not say anything about crafted items and it doesn't refund your downtime days, but I would compare it to Earning Income to figure out how to proceed:

If you had spent all of your downtime on Earn Income, you would have gained some extra gold. That gold would be taken into account in your "total gold earned", and as such it would have been reduced to 85% by the gold.

On the other hand, crafting has you spend 50% of the item value, and then it has you working to earn a discount on the other half of the item value, as if you were earning income. As 85% of earned income would have been kept, it feels kinda safe to say that maybe you would get to keep 85% of the discount you've made? Then again, that could be easily abused by crafting a bunch of expensive-but-low-level items and then rebuilding, effectively turning the massive discount into extra gold earned.

Then again, you could have spent your downtime days on retraining or doing some other non-profit activity which would be effectively wasted once you purchased the career change...

Honestly, I don't know for sure, but given that you don't get to also re-use your downtime days regardless of whether you spent them retraining or earning income, I think you just effectively lose any discount you've gained from crafting.

Remove items acquired with gold, including crafted items
Set gold to 85% of what gold you have actually have earned.
No mention about what to do with downtime so downtime days are effectively wasted. You can either purchase the items normally or craft them again with your future downtime days.
At least, that's how I'd see/rule it.

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